Violet's Second Garden


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Sam and I looked at new wallpapers today, and decided to go back to our trust Gryffindor common room. (Considering I'm in Ravenclaw, it's nice to see the "other" common room ;) )


I like how he blends into the grass outside. ^_^


A little while ago, we went to the bakery and had some dessert. Mmmm.


And then after our snack, Sam evolved into Hanikamitchi!


On the right track to getting Kuromametchi!

Violet and Sam

The batteries ran out today in my iD L.


That's... um... Kandentchi? Something like that.

Out with the old, and in with the bew (batteries)!


Sam evolved into Shinshitchi.


I guess I overshot the care misses. Well, there's always next generation!

See you tomorrow!

Violet and Sam

Just wanted to put out there that I will now be taking pictures with my new iPhone! If the quality of pictures suddenly increase (which they should...), now you know why. ^_^

Sam got another one of his happy symbols today, eating the BLT at the restaurant.


It's good to know that my little boy doesn't hate baths anymore!


It was lovely weather all day today, just like in real life. *Sigh* Perfect weather is awesome, but sometimes I wish we got thunderstorms.


Wow, I'm having so much fun taking good quality pictures!

See you guys tomorrow :wub:

Violet and Sam

My iD L spent most of the day today on pause.


The matchmaker isn't open yet.


Playing with one of the C-Button animations...


We also went to the park and played with this little guy!


My God, I'm loving the pictures that my iPhone takes! See you all tomorrow :wub:

Violet and Sam

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My gosh, I'm so sorry I couldn't update yesterday! I have a feeling there are going to be some more of those days (where I can't update), but I think I'll do what OldSchoolTama does, and just catch up a couple days after. Here we go for yesterday.

I took the batteries out of my iD L for a bit, because I think I need a "change of scenery". I stared up my V3 to find out where I left off.


Aha, Carly the Hikotchi. I need to get her weight down...


Here's her mother, Gigi the Mametchi.

Around midday she got very angry with me, so I gave her a pat on the back and her training rose!


So her training rose from this...


To this.


She was still feeling a little down, so we had a special treat for lunch- mushroom pizza! Mmmmmm...


It feels good to hold a black and white Tama again.

Be back tonight for another update! Happy Saturday! ^_^

Violet and Carly


I guess it's pretty obvious I stopped logging. For now, anyways.

I tried to write this before, but it was just so sad, I couldn't. So here I go now.

It's true that I need a break from writing long posts each and every night- I spent an entire year of my life on it, and I don't regret anything, but it gets tiresome eventually.

Since my last post, a few things happened.

  • I sold my Music Star.

It was collecting dust in my collection space, and I sold it to xxKutchipatchixx. My collection is now 5 Tamas again.

  • I went back to my iD L

I always seem to come back to my iD L, no matter what; It's just hands down my favorite version. I'm on my 63rd generation now.

  • I'm logging on Tumblr

I made a Tumblr account, and I'll take a few picture each generation and post them from my phone; It won't be every day, but you can still be updated to my Tamagotchi life. :) The link is in my signature, please follow me!

Just because I'm not logging here anymore doesn't mean I won't be active in the forums anymore; Rather, I'd like to have more time in the forums so I can help people who need my help. So, I'll see you around.

I might come back to this log one day, maybe in three weeks when school is over. I don't know yet. But, until that time, I can't thank all of you enough for supporting me through my Tamagotchi experience, and I hope that it'll go on for much, much longer.

Thank you, each and every one of you.

Until next time,

