*Violet's Little Garden*


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Good evening!

After talking to missvioletchi last night, she told me there's a three day gap between the teenager and adult phase, which means that my Tama is not glitchy. *phew*

An hour or two ago, she evolved from a young mametchi... into Mametchi! :)


Well, glad that that means I've been taking good care of her! The only down side is that Mametchi to me is a boy, but whatever. ;D I'm very glad that I've been such a good mother, because I really feel like I have been.

I spotted her taking a bath a few minutes ago, too.


She's a cutie. ;)

Not sure when Ms. Busybody is coming, hopefully in two or three days.

Speaking of which, the times for that are 10:30, 3:30 and... 7? Or is it 3 and 7? I can't remember. -_-

My friend finally gave me back my V4 today. She apparantly had 4 characters under her care, all of which died, so now it's back under my care, battery-less and in my jewelry box.

Kk, that's all for tonight! Merry 23rd page! B)

Violet and Gigi

(Ps- if anyone wants to suggest baby names, I will take all into account and they will be used! :) )

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I feel like I'm talking to no one... Anyone want to give me constructive criticism at all? :p

It was such a beautiful day today that Gigi and I went outside where we had a picnic and then read on my Kindle. While out there, she started to sing a little. Aww. <3


(Don't tell her I said this, but she really needs some singing lessons... Hopefully I can take her soon)

Sadly we had to leave after a while because I had to go to tennis. I took her out of my pocket so she wouldn't fall out, and she started to look for me.


And now we're both just sitting here, trying to decide what to do about our Gotchi Point (or lack of) situation. I don't like playing games unless she's not happy, and she doesn't get not happy a lot (the hearts don't empty often, in other words ;) ).

Right now she's watching TV and I'm about to go browsing the forums.

If you would like to prove my suspicions wrong, please pm me with something to make my log better, because there's always room for improvement...

Violet and Gigi

Good evening, everyone!

It was a pretty boring day for Gigi and me until I remembered that I entered a code for a "stuffed animal", but it wouldn't let me use it because she was a toddler/teen. Now, it let me use it! I thought it was going to be the item that your character sleeps with at night, like a teddy bear, but it was actually a... Poochitchi (?) costume.


Hm... it might be Nyatchi? Dunno.

And look at this, she's brushing her teeth before I am!


Such a good girl, yes she is! ;D

And apparently I really AM talking to no one, because no one wants to pm me. Fine. *sniff* be that way!

I'll leave you all with an uncomfortable stare from THIS guy ---> :nyatchi:

Violet and Gigi

Everyone know what tomorrow is?

Violet's Little Garden's one year aniverssary!


But let's focus on what happened today...

It was a very boring day until about 7 this evening, when suddenly Gigi beeped for attention- it was none other than Mrs. Busybody... Otokitchi... the Matchmaker... However you wish to call her. ;) She brought Gigi a lovely Butterflytchi (I think?) and they got married!

Gigi gave birth to a lovely baby girl.


Oh my god, is she not the cutest baby you have ever seen?

So I'm not sure what I want to name her. I was thinking Tina? Of course, I also considered Zebra and Blue... (I know, these are terrible names, but still...)

You know what? Because she's going to be born one year (and a day) after this log was started, I'm naming her after the matriarch of it; Carly. <3

A look at Gigi's stats...


Mm... yeah...

Thank you to Durch Den Monsen for pming me!

At least I'm writing to one person... <_<

Violet, Gigi, and Carly

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Everyone know what today is?

That's right!

It's the one year aniverssary!

I am so happy!

You guys literally are the best. I can't even begin to tell you guys how thankful I am to all of you.

You guys are the reason I do this. <3

To celebrate, I saw Gigi brushing her teeth earlier. She's such a sweetie. ^_^


And just another look at her and her precious baby.


They are SO cute I can't put it into words!

K, if anything exciting happens throughout the day we'll be back to update. ;)

Literally you guys rock my world. <33333

Violet, Gigi, and Carly

New Video is up on my Youtube channel.

Spoiler alert: it uses my voice! ;D If you don't want to hear what I sound like (if you have some vision of me and don't want it ruined :rolleyes: ) then don't click. ;)

Violet, Gigi, and Carly

Good evening. :]

Kso I caught Gigi coming up to say "Hi" earlier. Cute!


Then a little later Carly got sick. :[ Poor little baby!


But no worries, I cured her nice and fast- ba bam!- and now she's aalll better!

Alrighty. Pretty much, I want to thank you guys so much for this past year. I love you all so much, have a great day. <3

Violet, Gigi, and Carly

Is it just me, or does the weekend go by way faster than the week? :~/

Last night Gigi left Carly, and I was left with her.

So here's a picture of Carly as a baby...


And then she evolved into a Kutchitamatchi. I don't know if this is good or bad care, but on recent versions (s)he's been a bad care toddler, so that's my thought... :p

I think the only animation that toddlers do is the rolling on the floor thing (AKA ROFT ;D), and I caught Carly doing it.


Aw, isn't someone a sweetie. I love this part of the V3. <3

We went out for lunch today and had sandwiches, making sure that we both had lots of veggies on both of ours, of course. Got to feed those growing bodies! (Is it ironic that I'm saying this at 13...?)

She mostly stayed in my pocket all day, and now she's sitting in the famous bean bag chair that I made for the original Carly (see first post, second page), watching TV. Yup, this is the life. (Leave it to school to ruin it...)

Tomorrow she'll tag along in my pocket, listening to boring lectures and such. Until then,

Violet and Carly

Ah! I'm in such a hurry! ; -_-

Ok, so this morning Carly evolved into Hikotchi, I think. I think that Hikotchi is also a bad care character, but I don't know why I'm getting a bad care character... :(

She evolves into an adult in three days I think.

I'll be back tomorrow with a real update. Sorry!! :p

Violet and Carly

Hey everyone!

Alright, Carly evolved into a Hikotchi yesterday.


She's pretty cute. :] I don't like that the teenagers don't do animations though. (It WOULD be pretty ironic to see her rolling around on the floor... ;D)

I think I've been taking ok care of her. Her weight is getting up there, though, because of stupid school... -_-

Seeing my poor iD L on my nightstand every day has really filled me up with guilt, so I decided that I'd start her up!

Here I am putting the pink batteries in my pink iD L, taking pictures with my pink iPod. (Note the pink nail polish)


And here's what was on my screen (after getting a new wallpaper. ;D)


Currently running:


Still not sure how I feel about running two Tamas at the same time (can't believe I was ever running three at once... o_O), but hopefully I'll be able to do it for a while.

Next week I have some midterms so I might have to take the batteries out of one, although ATM I'm kind of torn, so hopefully I won't have to make that decision.

Alright, goodnight everyone. <3

Violet, Danica, and Carly

I'm not in particularly good spirits tonight, but I'm going to post anyways.

As I think I've said, I have midterms next week, so I really can't run more than one Tama. My iD L has yet again won me over, so for the time being my V3 is on hold. :( I really hope I can start it again soon, but on with the logging.

When I started Danica back up she had two happy symbols already, so I need to get her third... tomorrow. I remodeled her home again, I like this one.


We also played a little bit of dress up, as you can see.

Sorry, I'm not in a chatty mood tonight. Thanks for clicking, though!

Violet and Danica

Ok, I'm in a better mood tonight. ;)

I decided not to get Danica's last happy symbol. Not sure why, but I took her straight to the matchmaker. Trying to delete old pictures from my iPod, I accidentally deleted the picture of Danica and her Kuromametchi husband kissing... xP Oh well...


Then little Emily got tired, so her mom, with her lovely voice and all, sang her to sleep.


Then she left, and little Emily was officially in my care. I took pretty good care of her (as opposed to my usual lack of care. :( ) and she evolved into Kingyobotchi.


Because the toddlers go to bed at 7, and that's when E! news starts (Lately I've been watching it every night with my trusty Tama by my side), we watched Modern Family earlier.


(Haha if you saw this week's episode, then you know what Phil is telling everyone to KEYp. xD)

And that's really it for us tonight. I think I want a Makiko, so I need to get a whopping 4 care misses tomorrow so I get Sabosabotchi.

Afterthought: My mom and I were talking about my birthday earlier, and she was asking me what I wanted. The Princess Spacy version comes out in late March, which is when my birthday is. Thoughts?

Violet and Emily

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is up on Youtube, check it out if you're having trouble transferring downloads. :) My mom and I are going to go out to dinner and Target soon, so I'll take some "traveling pics" ;)

Be back in a couple hours!

Violet and Emily

Hey again!

I was looking at FullBlownWitch's pictures, and she had a living room that was really cute. I think I might've had it one time but now that I'm more used to simple Tamas (My one generation of the V3 ;) ) I wanted to see what it was like.


And then later on Emily evolved into the always cute Sabosabotchi.


We went out for dinner, and I had macaroni and cheese and she had meatballs. :)



After dinner we headed over to Target. Someone tried to get a special bed, but I reminded her she already had one.


I was hoping that for some miraculous reason they got Tamas back in stock, but only the Zhu Zhu pets were there. -_-


Now with three Connections non-running, I decided they needed their own container. I found this one and they look great in it.


As you can see, I have my Music Star, V3 and V4 in there, as well as two CR2032 batteries, and the instructions for my iD L. I also found a spare keychain hook in my closet, and it works for my V4 which was missing one! So now it is complete once more. :)

Ok, that's it for us tonight! Thanks so much for reading! :)

Violet and Emily

Good evening, all.

Yes, it certainly is.

Because, as of today, I am officially a... Vegitarian! ^^ I'm so happy! :)

And, my Tamas shall do it with me.

*Goes to restaurant*

Hmm... meatballs... Delete... Hotdog... Delete... Hamburger... oh, we can pretend that one's a veggie patty. ;)

Emily evolved into a Makiko earlier! She's very cute. :)

Playing dress up earlier, she earned two happy symbols, from download dresses.



These glasses didn't give her a happy symbol, but I like them anyways. :)


But then I took everything off of her and now she's very cute and lovely. :)

Kk, we're out for the night. Wish us luck tomorrow at the grocery store... :D

Violet and Emily

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Just looked through my TaMaToMo book, the one that records which adults you've gotten all the happy symbols for.

I still need:

  • Bokutchi
  • Hirotchi (Who I have no way of getting)
  • Maisutatchi
  • Nachuratchi
  • Uwasatchi
  • Madonnatchi (Who I also have no way of getting)

Pretty much I can only get four more different adults.

The next girl I get I think I want Nachuratchi, and the next boy I get I'll go for Bokutchi.

Although, these are the "tricky" characters to get, so hopefully I'll get the right toddlers and teens. :p

Because I'm all tempted now to get the rest of the characters, I think I'll marry Emily off later. The next generation should begin with an "F" name... I can't really think of any except for Frank or something.

Ooh! Only two more new characters until I unlock another location! :ichigotchi:

The next time I see missvioletchi, hopefully I'll have a teen (a boy teen, at that) so I can get Maisutatchi...

Ok, I just wanted this all written down somewhere. Thanks for clicking, and the 10th person who followed my log! :tarakotchi:

See you later with Frank or something. ;)

Violet and Emily

Well, I have next to no news. -_-

The matchmaker hasn't opened up.

We haven't been trying on any clothes.

She got her pet already, yesterday.

We haven't planted a seed today.

And we've done not one thing of interest, pretty much.

Tomorrow I'm going over to Missvioletchi's house. We're going to have a "dual marriage", which pretty much means we're going to get our Tamas married at the same time. And then we're going to have a bunch of baby playdates. :3

And, really, that's the only notable thing that's happened today...

Thanks for clicking, as always. <3

Violet and Emily

Hi everyone! :)

Alright. I ended up going to missvioletchi's house today, and we got our Tamas married at (almost) the same time. Little Emily married a very handsome Hirotchi, and then had a baby Nittobitchi, Frank. :)


After an hour of (not much) care, he evolved into Kaubotchi.


Missvioletchi and I connected our iD L's 30 times after that, in hopes of getting Maisutatchi. I know that people have said you can only get him from connecting 30 times as teens, but this way we'll get to see if that's true or not...

After that Holly (AKA Missvioletchi) and I played a super fun game called Apples to Apples. There's a way to play with a stuffed animal as your third/fourth player, so that's what we did! We had all three of our Tamas play with us.


Yes, that's right, I said three!

That striped V4 is not Missvioletchi's but mine! I think she might post the story of it in her log tonight, so check hers out for that, but if she doesn't then I'll write it tomorrow. Bottom line, I have a new V4, all mine!

If you guys don't remember, the first Tamagotchi I ever had was a pink striped V4. It has since been broken, but this is pretty much a replacement!!! I couldn't be more ecstatic about it, so thank you very much, Holly!

Although I really shouldn't I started it up. ^^


I got a boy, cool. :) Name... hm... ugh, I hate thinking of names! Ok, Toast. :p


One hour and pretty good care later, and I had a Puchitchi on my hands!


This is especially cool, because the first toddler I had on the first Tamagotchi I had was a Puchitchi! (Although, it was a girl, but still. ;) )

Phew! Long post! :)

I keep forgetting to say thank you to the people who gave me fanmail! It happened a while ago, but better late than never, eh? Thank you to:

Space Cupcake


It's Teri


You guys really mean the world to me!

Ok. Since my iD L already went to sleep, now I'm watching E! news with my only awake Tama, Toast. :]

That's definately it for tonight! I hope that I still have both my Tamas tomorrow, but no promises. :(

Violet, Toast, and Frank

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Oh, these poor guys... They don't know how ridiculous they look... And that's coming from me. ;)

Sigh... You guys, I really, really wish that I could be running my iD L with one or two Connections, I really do, but I just can't. As I've said many times, I have finals this week and next so I can't run more than one, just my iD L is a pretty big stretch for me, but I'm determined to run at least one. So, I took the battery out of my V4. -_-

But you know what? After next week, I have a four day weekend (as a result of the teachers feeling bad for us) so I think/hope I can start up at least one, maybe two Tamas. I'll do the best I can! :)

Continuing with my complaining, I can't upload pictures today or tomorrow because yes, I have a final on Thursday and have to study. -_- So you guys get words. :p

Alright! Moving on!

So today Frank evolved into a Hanikamitchi, the best care teen. When I checked on him during school he was calling for attention, so I don't know if he's actually gotten a care miss or not, but I don't think so. Tomorrow he evolves into an adult, hopefully the 30 connections worked (Keeping my figners crossed!) but I think otherwise I'll be getting a Mametchi or Kuromametchi.

Alright, that's it for this (stealing Orandatchi's word) drabulous post. Thank you guys soo much for reading, I'll be back for an equally boring post tomorrow!

Violet :furawatchi: and Frank :tarakotchi:

Updating now because I won't be able to later... xP

SOMEHOW Frank evolved into Mametchi! :eek: Don't ask me how, I've no idea, but I'm glad it happened, at least. We haven't gotten a pet or happy symbols or played dress up or anything. :( I hate finals!! At least it'll be (mostly) over tomorrow. -_-

I am so wanting to start up another Connection. It's going to feel so good on Friday, though, after I'm done with Finals for the week and have the weekend to goof off and run 20 Tamas... Yeeeeah...

Ok, that's it for today. I know, I know, sad, very sad post, but tomorrow I can have a better one! :)

Violet and Frank

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