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My friend said she left her Tama on all night and her baby died. So now she always pauses at night. Did that every happen to anyone else? Do you have to PAUSE the babies? I have a baby now and I now am scared it will die and I always PAUSE it at night. Maybe adults are OK alone all night.

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Well, it all depends. . . it will go to bed at 8 and wake up at 8. . . If your friend got to it before that then her time must have been wrong.

My friend said she left her Tama on all night and her baby died. So now she always pauses at night. Did that every happen to anyone else? Do you have to PAUSE the babies? I have a baby now and I now am scared it will die and I always PAUSE it at night. Maybe adults are OK alone all night.
I think it's cause the babies wake up nearly every 10 minutes. Its like a real baby they wake a lot in the night for feeds. with my babies i hav to get up in the middle of the night and seee to them. sumtimes even with an adult.

l'm allready in neopets its great fun

why don't you go in it

www.neopets .com

you should try it

i dare you to so just try it :lol: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol: :huh: :lol: :angry: :angry:

Tama's rock.




My tama gets a year older

every day and evolves randomly. I also never pause it. :lol:



By the way has anyone ever had this tama. :furawatchi:

It seems that if you pause it for too long, it will burn the screen. Anyone had this? :furawatchi:

I rarely pause my Tamas, during school I turn off the sound and sometimes check on them when the teacher isn't looking. :wacko:

:huh: Thanks for that cool info!One night I forgot to pause mine :huh: ;) :huh: but somthing great happend, it turned into a really cute tamagotchi! So I know it definatly works! :huh:
[SIZE=21pt]3 2 da 1 and da 1 2 da 3 [/SIZE]


isn't that cool!?!

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that is so cool and it really helped

i also noticed when you wrote "it will evolve in 4 days" i saw that when it wakes

up it has already evolved (only when you pause it at night)

SUPER COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:( B) :( :( :( :mametchi: :mimitchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :blink: :wub:
My tama ages a year every day! :D

i had to pause mine at night once coz i needed to go to bed but it was still awake and the time was right

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