I have seen those auctions. They are definetly fake! The seller only sells fakes. BEWARE.I've seen latly in eBay, that they are selling these really weird Tamagotchi version 4 and 5. Are these real? Take a look in eBay and you'll find them. Wait, accually let me find a picture of them.![]()
Until TamaTalk says so? TamaTalk doesn't make them. 0.oFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They only have V1 &V2.......atill tamatalk says they are new ones.
Well,I am not taking anyones side here, I don't think they are real, but I ain't taking sides.![]()
I'm sorry but you have just bumped up a topic, from 2005.v3 is in australia so there.and version 4 is coming out soon. version 5 i don't know about