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Is anyone on here vegetarian? Lately i've been really wanting to go veg but my parents love meat so its kinda hard. Any helpful tips?
Dazzilitchigirl - I think you're on the right track with your classifications of vegetarianism, but there are so many different aspects of culture, diet and other influences that define what a vegetarian is. One's perception of true vegetarianism may strongly differ from someone else's. The dictionary definition of a vegetarian is a diet with the absence of meat, poultry, and fish. Vegetarianism generally revolves around a diet, not lifestyle. What you describe as true vegetarian sounds closer to a Vegan lifestyle description; which excludes all animal flesh and animal products, including milk, honey, and eggs, and may also exclude any products tested on animals, or any clothing from animals.If you really want to make your mind up, do some research on how the animals are killed and what kind of lives they have. Never feel under pressure to follow a trend; don't become vegetarian if you do not strongly believe that it is wrong to kill and animal to eat. There's just something I have to ask all vegetarians...
If you claim to be vegetarian and are to your knowledge and then you tread on an ant and kill it, are you still a true vegetarian?
95% of the people I asked said yes, but I say no. There are three types of being vegetarian:
A: Part-time vegetarian. You eat a bit of meat occasionally, or you eat fish but not mammals.
B: Food vegetarian. You don't eat meat, but you will happily handle it and even kill animals. Yes, treading on insects counts. If you ever bike over/tread on any insect on purpose, you're this type of vegetarian.
C: True vegetarian. You won't eat or kill any animals and you will discourage others from eating and killing animals.