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Well I'm no vegetarian but... for my religious beliefs we have a calendar and everytime the number is '1' or '15' we have to eat no meat that day. I find it very challenging especially when there is meat around you!! But I try my best to stay calm. And by the way I'm Buddhist so that's why!

To long post *I was lazy to read it* lol lol
You really shouldn't reply to a topic if you haven't got anything to say about it.

On-topic: There is such a thing as a Pesco/Pollo Vegetarian, one who eats chicken or fish (fish = pesco, chicken = pollo), but a lot of people (including myself) don't view that as "real" vetetarian (not that that is a bad thing). I have absolutely nothing against meat eaters - I chose to be a vegetarian for personal reasons, and other people's eating habits don't affect me.

Vegetarians, even if you change just one person you are doing good. Don't push people to do stuff they don't want to, but if you can try and convince people to stop.

(No offense)
As for trying to convert people into being vegetarians, I'm all for educating people about the conditions of the animals bred for food, and letting them make informed decisions, but I do take offence when people make it their mission to stop meat-eating. Eating meat is as natural for a human as vegetarianism. And technically, as omnivores, our diet should be a mix of both meat and other things.

This is as bad as someone saying 'People who are white are the devil!'

If you try to pin it down on people as to why they will have a bad life because they hunt to put food on their family's table, you are saying 'dang 70% of the human race to hell because they kill animals!'

What would you do if a bear was going to kill you? Tell it it'll goto hell if it kills you? It won't care! If you value your life, you shoot and kill the thing!

It's like the saying goes. A meaningful death for a meaningful cause is great, but a meaningless death for little to no cause is sad.

This is as bad as someone saying 'People who are white are the devil!'
If you try to pin it down on people as to why they will have a bad life because they hunt to put food on their family's table, you are saying 'dang 70% of the human race to hell because they kill animals!'

What would you do if a bear was going to kill you? Tell it it'll goto hell if it kills you? It won't care! If you value your life, you shoot and kill the thing!

It's like the saying goes. A meaningful death for a meaningful cause is great, but a meaningless death for little to no cause is sad.
I agree with you :)

I think that if you want to be a vegetarian then you should be one, and if you eat meat then you should do that. As we shouldn't judge people on things like this.

When earth was created, (By whoever you think) a very clever pattern was formed. (Don't bother even reading this if you don't believe in afterlife)The patttern was:

Bully somebody=100 points

Give somebody a present and a hug and cheer them up=250 points

Talk about your friend behind their back=50 points

And it goes on.

When you die, its all added up and if you have more good points than bad your next life shall be good. If you have more bad points than good yoir next life shall not be very good. Its the same with animals. (People who slaughter animals for human's meals will probably have quite a lot... :) )

God made choice. If everybody was the same it'd me no fun. The same as if everybody eat meat. Or just vegtables. Or wore the same clothes...So vegetarians eat what they like. People who eat meat eat what they like. God chose that. God wanted people to be diffrent. Everybody must be diffrent.

Its ok to eat a little meat. (I don't of course) But people who are eating tons and tons of meat really, are ruining there own life.

Its like with people who smoke.

"Oh, its ok, I'll just have one..." And they don't think what's going to happen in the next ten years if they smoke lots everyday. I'm not saying everybody is like this, but most people catch cancer from eating lots of meat for most of their life...... :lol: And smoking. are some more facts:

1. Farmers who plan to sell their animals for food, to get them fatter, they put tablets in their food, and inject special medical chemicals into the animal's bloodstream. Then, when the animal is killed and served on a plate, the person who eats it is also eating the chemicals in the tablets and the injected chemicals. And that makes YOU grow fatter. Eating sugar, and lots of meat will make you grow fatter not only ill in the next few years. (When the animal gets stressed and pumps stressful liquid around its body. When you eat the meat the liquid goes into your body and causes nightmares and stress.) ~If you want to eat meat organic is much better~

2. I think its very sad that people have to eat meat for pleasure. Most animals are suited to a certain diet.  :(

Guinea pigs - Vegtables, fruit, salad.

Dogs/Cats - Meat, fish, little vegtables.

And so on. If they swapped diets, they would get sick. And die. And we can't have a world of sick animals...?!?!?!

But humans...woah...We can use 2 diets.

1. Vegetarian diet.

2. Omniverous diet.

So we have a choice...Like God wanted us to.  :rolleyes:

We are very lucky...We are suited to 2 diets.  :lol:

Getting back to afterlife.... :furawatchi: When animals die they go to heaven. And if they have been good in that life. They might come back as a pet. If they're good in that life, they might then be a wild horse...And at the end, they could end up as a human.

So try to be nice in your life and if you are a vegetarian...Have fun eating all the vegtables!


P.S (People who eat meat are still nice people)

P.P.S (Get on with it vegetarians! If you want to try to change people. But remember eveyone is diffrent, some people can be changed some can't! Respect the other people and don't forget they have thier own way 2 look at things 2!)  :rolleyes:

~Don't take this badly. Please don't argue.~ Thanks
[SIZE=14pt]Ok, alot of the stuff you said I disagree with you.[/SIZE]

I don't find that eating meat is like smoking at all.

In fact it's good for you. It's only bad for you if all you

eat is meat. But think about it, if everyone in the world

was a vegetarian there would be an over population of

animals, we wouldn't get very much protein and iron and

stuff like that, and well i love the taste of it. xD

I know that it can seem very cruel but...There just animals.

OK i'm hoping no body thinks I'm mean or anything...but

yeah, thats what i believe. I also don't believe in that

point system you got there...Were all bad and good in our

own ways.



Man, and i hate the word slaughter! It makes us sound

so evil O__O


~*Anime girl*~


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I don't believe in afterlife, so I stopped when you said that.

I don't exactly like how you titled it "The Truth of it All" because I do not believe it is the truth. I'm not mad at it, but just the way you put it is a little bothersome.

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In honest opinion, it's life. It's the food chain. We eat to live, and animals eat other animals to live.

What is wrong is killing animals for the heck of it, not overeating meat. We all have our own prefferences of how much meat we need so we shouldn't say that people who eat meat are ruining their life, because that's not right.

You really shouldn't reply to a topic if you haven't got anything to say about it.
On-topic: There is such a thing as a Pesco/Pollo Vegetarian, one who eats chicken or fish (fish = pesco, chicken = pollo), but a lot of people (including myself) don't view that as "real" vetetarian (not that that is a bad thing). I have absolutely nothing against meat eaters - I chose to be a vegetarian for personal reasons, and other people's eating habits don't affect me.

As for trying to convert people into being vegetarians, I'm all for educating people about the conditions of the animals bred for food, and letting them make informed decisions, but I do take offence when people make it their mission to stop meat-eating. Eating meat is as natural for a human as vegetarianism. And technically, as omnivores, our diet should be a mix of both meat and other things.
But you can survive without meat. I know humans enjoy it but there are other ways to get protien. (Hey, did I spell that right? My spelling is daft today lol)

In honest opinion, it's life. It's the food chain. We eat to live, and animals eat other animals to live.
What is wrong is killing animals for the heck of it, not overeating meat. We all have our own prefferences of how much meat we need so we shouldn't say that people who eat meat are ruining their life, because that's not right.
I only said they are ruining their life, if they eat meat a lot. You know, tons for 10 years. ^_^

[SIZE=14pt]Ok, alot of the stuff you said I disagree with you.[/SIZE]I don't find that eating meat is like smoking at all.

In fact it's good for you. It's only bad for you if all you

eat is meat. But think about it, if everyone in the world

was a vegetarian there would be an over population of

animals, we wouldn't get very much protein and iron and

stuff like that, and well i love the taste of it. xD

I know that it can seem very cruel but...There just animals.

OK i'm hoping no body thinks I'm mean or anything...but

yeah, thats what i believe. I also don't believe in that

point system you got there...Were all bad and good in our

own ways.



Man, and i hate the word slaughter! It makes us sound

so evil O__O


~*Anime girl*~

Sorry, about the smoking bit. I should have set a better example... ^_^

And you're not being mean or anything.

(But in my point of view, the animals, who have been killed will have a better life next time. Thats how it works...To me. But it still isn't fair and I'm going to stop some of it)

Oh and about the point thing...Well, I know we're are good and bad in our own ways.. Really, I should have put more examples... :p #

(There wouldn't me too many animals, because the animals that are born are only bred to be eaten. If the two pigs didn't have a litter, the soul, life, whatever would go into something else. Look around, there's so much life.)

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Can somebody please close this? Nothings wrong, its all ok, but I just don't want this topic anymore. ^_^ Nobody has done anything to upset me, but I think I'd rather voin a vegetarian group or something...Start acting now, :p

This is as bad as someone saying 'People who are white are the devil!'
If you try to pin it down on people as to why they will have a bad life because they hunt to put food on their family's table, you are saying 'dang 70% of the human race to hell because they kill animals!'

What would you do if a bear was going to kill you? Tell it it'll goto hell if it kills you? It won't care! If you value your life, you shoot and kill the thing!

It's like the saying goes. A meaningful death for a meaningful cause is great, but a meaningless death for little to no cause is sad.
But a pig, lamb or chicken in a pen couldn't kill anyone.

Its the humans that are killing them. Harming them. ^_^

I'm a vegetarian, but I really don't like the way that vegetarianism in so often pushed into the faces of non-vegetarians. Please don't try to convert people...
But every person somebody changes is another animal that won't be eaten by them. I have changed 5 people already and I will try and carry on.

I don't believe in afterlife, so I stopped when you said that.I don't exactly like how you titled it "The Truth of it All" because I do not believe it is the truth. I'm not mad at it, but just the way you put it is a little bothersome.
Sorry about that bit. I didn't mean the afterlife was classed as truthful, I meant the facts about the animals and stuff was the truth. ^_^

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