Are there any vegetarians or vegans here? Why did you quite meat?
Or, if you're opposing the idea, feel free to share your opinion too.
I am a vegetarian for about 2 years now and it's something I wanted to do since the beginning of my teenage years, but my family gave me a hard time. My reasons in the beginning were pretty simple: If I can live, and be healthy, without eating animals, then why do it? Then, as I was reading more about it, my reasoning became a bit more complex. I didn't want to contribute to factory farming because of ethical but also environmental reasons. I found it extremely unethical to grow animals which are as intelligent as our dogs and cats like vegetables in a row. Also, it's true that factory farming is very bad for the environment (greenhouse gasses, deforestation to grow crops for the animals etc). Of course just reducing my consumption would probably work for those, but I've been pretty healthy for so long without eating animals, that I don't find any reason to go back to eating them. Kind of the "live and let live" mentality. At this point I should confess that I've eaten fish 3-4 in these two years. I never liked meat that much, but I loved fish, and due to the nature of fish farming (not as cruel usually), I find it not as bad as eating land animals. I don't call myself a pescetarian because I don't eat it regularly, just twice in a year or so.
I'm not vegan, though, and I don't see myself going vegan anytime soon, to be honest. Alternatives to milk and various "fancy" vegan products are either non-existent in my region or very expensive. Also I find it difficult for social situations. I think that if I was in a country like Germany, which I visited recently, where it's considered quite normal to be vegan, it would be easier. Here, in Greece, there are some vegans of course, but they're considered crazy. I couldn't eat almost anything at many restaurants if I was vegan. In the excavations I participate as an archaeology student it's also a hassle; because of the group living it's more difficult to be vegan. I'm not saying "impossible", but to me it's difficult and I'm not yet that motivated, I guess.
Something I don't like about the vegan movement is the effort to make the act of killing or of consumption of certain things sound gross. Killing itself is not gross, blood is not gross, eggs are not the menstruation of chickens and honey is not the vomit of bees. And cruelty exists everywhere in nature. Sure, it's very unpleasant, and if you can survive without causing harm to other beings, why do it? But I can't compare it to human crimes, like murder or rape, like many vegans do. Cats do not "murder" mice, and if killing was such a gruesome act, this would mean that carnivores are born evil and they just can't do anything for it. I'm so tired of hearing that milk contains puss or that eggs come from the butt of the chicken. I don't care - I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons, not because I'm grossed out by anything.
I'm also tired of meat eaters telling me I'm not healthy. My blood tests come out perfect every time, and my protein intake is at least enough to fuel my dance, mountain climbing, cycling, swimming and everything.
This was a long text! I'm waiting for your intake.
Or, if you're opposing the idea, feel free to share your opinion too.
I am a vegetarian for about 2 years now and it's something I wanted to do since the beginning of my teenage years, but my family gave me a hard time. My reasons in the beginning were pretty simple: If I can live, and be healthy, without eating animals, then why do it? Then, as I was reading more about it, my reasoning became a bit more complex. I didn't want to contribute to factory farming because of ethical but also environmental reasons. I found it extremely unethical to grow animals which are as intelligent as our dogs and cats like vegetables in a row. Also, it's true that factory farming is very bad for the environment (greenhouse gasses, deforestation to grow crops for the animals etc). Of course just reducing my consumption would probably work for those, but I've been pretty healthy for so long without eating animals, that I don't find any reason to go back to eating them. Kind of the "live and let live" mentality. At this point I should confess that I've eaten fish 3-4 in these two years. I never liked meat that much, but I loved fish, and due to the nature of fish farming (not as cruel usually), I find it not as bad as eating land animals. I don't call myself a pescetarian because I don't eat it regularly, just twice in a year or so.
I'm not vegan, though, and I don't see myself going vegan anytime soon, to be honest. Alternatives to milk and various "fancy" vegan products are either non-existent in my region or very expensive. Also I find it difficult for social situations. I think that if I was in a country like Germany, which I visited recently, where it's considered quite normal to be vegan, it would be easier. Here, in Greece, there are some vegans of course, but they're considered crazy. I couldn't eat almost anything at many restaurants if I was vegan. In the excavations I participate as an archaeology student it's also a hassle; because of the group living it's more difficult to be vegan. I'm not saying "impossible", but to me it's difficult and I'm not yet that motivated, I guess.
Something I don't like about the vegan movement is the effort to make the act of killing or of consumption of certain things sound gross. Killing itself is not gross, blood is not gross, eggs are not the menstruation of chickens and honey is not the vomit of bees. And cruelty exists everywhere in nature. Sure, it's very unpleasant, and if you can survive without causing harm to other beings, why do it? But I can't compare it to human crimes, like murder or rape, like many vegans do. Cats do not "murder" mice, and if killing was such a gruesome act, this would mean that carnivores are born evil and they just can't do anything for it. I'm so tired of hearing that milk contains puss or that eggs come from the butt of the chicken. I don't care - I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons, not because I'm grossed out by anything.
I'm also tired of meat eaters telling me I'm not healthy. My blood tests come out perfect every time, and my protein intake is at least enough to fuel my dance, mountain climbing, cycling, swimming and everything.
This was a long text! I'm waiting for your intake.