Valentine's Hatch [log]


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V5 evolved, Juliet is a chamametchi, Romeo is a mamekatchi, and Taylor is a shelltchi. they have only 10% training(I've been a bit busy lately), and they are still a blended family. I'm hoping I can get the boy romeo to turn into a Mametchi so that i can get the Mame family, and I'm still lost at how to put a picture on so nobody has to press a link to see it( so that it just shows up and everyone can see it). And thats all for today

16 February 2011

So today my little Miki evolved into a Kuri-ten at around 10:00 in the morning. This is my favourite Angel character - doesn't she just look like a qutie?


The rest of the day was extremely busy for both of us and I have to admit I may have neglected her a little bit. Miki accompanied my to a very looooooong, boring meeting and I couldn't even sneak a peep at her because I was surrounded by......well.....non-tamagotchi people (tama-muggles????? :D ). I scared away 6 bats while feeding her candy.


17 February 2011

Miki behaved really well today and we played a lot of games....


She also ate a few times and deserved to be treated by a couple of candy bars!



Just before she went to bed, she sang to me while doing her good deed. I managed to praise her, but my camera was too far away to get a picture - hopefully tomorrow. :p

So, at the end of the day Miki's stats were as follows:

Hungry bar 4

Happy bar 4

TP 80

Good Deeds Meter 7

Nothing much has happened >.< He's been sleeping.

... But now it's the weekends <3 Ands on monday I WILL take him. Watches (portable clocks) are allowed, and tamagotchi's tell time... And use watch batteries ...


... Wait a minute...


! Yay ! Mimitchi <3

Ahh... Yesterday.

I was very busy in the morning, helping Mom prepare food before taking her to work.

It was around evolution time that I ended up not being in the house... instead Driving.

♥Mina decided that would be the perfect time to Evolve, while I was leaving the Library.

I thought it would only be a 3minute drive back to the house, thus I could check her there.

Well... She evolved with 3 Happy and 3 Hunger Hearts. Not so perfect.


As you can see, No Ribotchi. Instead she became second best character, Memetchi.

Her clock will say 8 today even though she will technically be technically 4 years now.

I wonder if suitors will start to come because the age is messed up.

It is 7am for me, and today is very important so I have to leave soon. ^^;;

Take care of yourselves... and your Tama, Everyone!


:3 I haven't been paying much attention to my Marotchi since I finally got my ID and my v6... I feel bad... D: But today she beeped for attention more than normal... o.o When I checked, her stats were empty... >< i fixed it and brought her to the park before tending to my Kikitchi on my v6 and my newborn on the ID... ^^


Look who Adora evolved into!




I really like Uwasatchi! I got her To letter by giving her the Star Antennas to wear. I will try and get Adora's Ta and Ma tomorrow because right now she is asleep listening to the rain and her Star Antennas are resting by her bed. Adora still has the basic house because I have not got enough money to renovate, she weighs 18 grams. It has been raining alot on the iD but it did snow at some point, I think Adora likes the rain.


Goodbye guys, I'm really enjoying the hatch. :D

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sorry for starting late!Too much homework!


my lovelitchi got married today!


epic fail.I had a boy for 6 generations straight then I got lovelitchi.Then I got a boy today :p

she married a mametchi



dating scenes:




and the baby boy:


since I can only have so many pics in one post,I'm going to post again for the rest of the pictures

the rest of my pictures:

playing with a ball:


falling asleep after playing and watching lovelitchi leave after 2 minutes <_< :


upset because mom left after 20 seconds of playing :( :


calling for me:


eating an orange:


outside on a snowy day:



Samou went to visit his Grandma,Grandpa, and His Mom and Dad. He was so happy!

Right now I'm trying to get his weight down. I want him to marry a Memetchi. It would be wonderful to have that happen! He is 3 and still and Nikatchi. Thats all! Tama v9 signing off! Peace!

Everyone's logs are Amazing!

@Gotchi Guy Congrats on getting Uwasatchi! =3

Sorry for lack of updates, Ichigotchi did pretty much nothing except for discipline calls (Which is awesome because I beat the Elite Four). I found another one of these things and selected "Download". Then there was "Oniontchi" the same age as the Ichigotchi thing. I heard you can marry these things too.


Well I didnt get whaletchi like I wanted, but I got violetchi. Bob, a boy, The violetchi? Thats so weird! e.e I thought violetchi was a girl tamagotchi! Hmm it doesnt bother me but still! I then used a costume on he-him I mean and it fits him perfectly, its that panda outfit, with the cute little eyes. Ill just show you what I mean.


Thats the adorable-ness im talking about. I would rather keep that then a violetchi, but know when bob goes to sleep he will turn back into a violetchi, oh well I could just use the other outfit next, I love outfits for my little Tams, it makes them so adorable! And when bob has his eyes wide in the picture its so funny!!

My osutchi and mesutchi and still toddlers, mohitamatchi. Ive been pausing them every so often to take care of my other tamas, but now I promise I will not pause them! ( I bet this wont last 15 minutes) But I promise! I also have a good trick that you could use, OldSchoolTama, every time I feed them I play with them twice, to keep the weight down, its an easy trick and will work, my Mohitamatchi's are at 10 lb, and thats the lowest they can get. It really works, im telling the truth, because I used to get debutchi ALL THE TIME! Heres a picture of my twins!


Also my mouse now makes this weird clicking noise when I click it, is that strange? :eek:

Loving all the updates, everyone. Keep up the good work!

February 17, 2011

Nothing much going on for Mickey and Minnie. They were still in the toddler stage on this day. Since I had been feeding them snacks instead of playing the games to keep their happiness hearts full (no time), I had nearly reached the “chubby” weight of 99 for both, so I decided to play around a bit and take a few pictures along the way. DISCLAIMER: No Tamagotchis were harmed in this experiment. I turned them back to normal by playing games with them until their weight hit at least 89. :p


In the process of morphing into Debutchi, the overweight character that takes up the entire screen.



Morphing back to normal.

Later that day, Minnie evolved into Hawaikotchi, a few hours before Mickey evolved. I forgot to mention that when I paused my Osu/Mesu pair a few days ago, I must have bumped them around in the little bag in which I was carrying them because somehow, the time was resumed again for Minnie, putting her ahead by a few hours when I found her. Anyway, after Minnie evolved, I put her on pause and waited for Mickey to catch up. He evolved into Obotchi. They look so cute together. :)


That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates...

Nothing new has happened with ♥Mina... We have not seen the Matchmaker nor is she Old yet.

Sorry for no pics either, maybe tomorrow? ^^;;


Ichigotchi evolved into a Mametchi today even though he was just 2 years old. I thought the V1 took 3 days to evolve into a adult.

:3 Just to let everybody know... I took out the batteries out of my Tama-go yesterday... Since I already have my ID and my music star running, I didn't see the point in running the Tama-GO since I can't get the figures... They're really expensive~ So now I have my Mametchi on my ID and a Shimashimatchi on my V6~ <3 Shimashimatchi!!!! I wonder how he plays the drums with no arms.. o.o

♥Mina was visited by the matchmaker yesterday.

As I was not sure if I wanted to continue running her, we let the Old Lady leave.

I decided last night that my little girl will be married today.

(This means I will be out of the Hatch, yes? >.> )

Below is ♥Mina taking a bath.


@chib3h:: I wondered that when I had Hinotamatchi. ^^;;

Is it me, or does feel like more people intended to join, but have not posted? o.o

Maybe just me.


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@phnx0313 : XD I know right! LOL At least his adrorable... And he seems to enjoy the drums despite the lack of appendages... :D

sorry for not updating!I had a fever!


my baby evolved into a mattiratchi (did i spell that right?) today he turned into a kilalatchi:


and this morning he turned into a kuromametchi:


Sorry for not updating i was gone for a wedding:(

Well the family evolved(duh) and now Romeo is a Mametchi:), Juliet is a Chantotchi, and Taylor is a Hotteatchi,

They have full bonding and Romeo is hopefully getting married to a chantotchi soon. I'll update on any more news about Romeo's love life,

Thats all for now more latr

A strange spider character came just after school ended; I said NO! But then a Masktchi came.. Almost... Then the sweetest Mimitchi. His daddy was a Mametchi and his mummy a Mimitchi.. Now him, a ChoMametchi... Nuuuuuu. Said no to a Robot chic. Aren't they dudes? Tried again~ ... .... Curry is not GAY. < I couldn't think of another word for it. A GOZARUTCHI (A dude?!?) came for my baby. I said no. I'm sure my darling Cho-Mametchi looked relieved. I'm not against that kind of stuff, though. Then a whole black tama that sort of looks like Gozarutchi... Nuupe. God, I'm being so picky >.< It came again. BLEH! (Am writing this while it happens, and while reading Phnx0313's log!) THe one that came the first time came again. It's kind of cute this time^^ But I said no; I didn't know what it is. The whole black one was Kurokotchi... WHat's with the no gender defining characters? I'd freak out if I had a boy Memetchi, or Mimitchi or Leaftchi... Or a chic Kuchipatchi or Mametchi 0.0 KUROKOTCHI??? NOOOOOO! ... If he was a chic, he'd marry the Hanatchi. It's so cute!!! But.. yeah. I'm in a ranting mood. My brother took my p1 out of my box and put a battery in it. I turned around when it beeped. He looked at me; "I was starting it for you!". Then he chucked it in the box and the box fell off the table and all the tamagotchis fell out >_< Another; no. Seriously, I don't want him to get married. But I would love to run my p1 V_V Going to try once more.. Sorry gorgeous Masktchi. Maybe later <3

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