Well, I'm going to buy my Matchmaker-Data test tomorrow. :]
In... I'd say the beginning of December, in homeroom everyone got a scantron/bubble form to fill out. You had to fill in options like, what you look for in a guy/girl, how much you value athletics, what interests you most, what color hair you have, etc.
It's Valentine's Day week, and Student Counsil is selling the results for $2 each. It shows you the top 16 males in your grade you are most compatible with, top 5 girls you would get along with best, (As friends, lol. And this is all visa versa if you are a guy. ;D), and the 5 guys in the school you are LEAST compatible with. And then it shows you the same results for the students in 10th grade.
They are on sale all this week. I was going to buy mine this morning, but I didn't have any money on me. >3< I'm going to buy mine tomorrow morning though - I'll let you know if I'm happy with my results. ;3
It's so exciting~! But some people are getting really worked up over it. One of my friends was bawling because her ex scored #2 on her Most Compatible Guys list. But seriously. It's just a test to see who values/agrees with the things you do. It's not something to get all upset about. ;-;