Update: Parents left today, and the baby turned to a girl! I was under the impression since when it was with the parents and it was the black color that it was going to be boy, so a nice surprise as I continue to try and get different girl characters. Payents left 8 Million points, 249 in each skill, and all food and items stayed as well. Good thing because I have it PACKED from visiting tamatown

I changed to toy to a teddy bear and left the instrument as guitar. Toys I have so far:Bear, duck, panda,mirror, doll house, book, ball, camera, tamagotchi, bandai block, car, space ship, pirate ship, skateboard. Instruments are:guitar, harp, mic, karaoke, boombox, piano, keyboard. Spcial items so far either recieved as gifts or purchased in shop: Jeans, Latin cd, Make-up, R&B cd, Mirror, Hip hop cd. The jeans were hilarious, and the animations for mirror and make up were too cute. I have not however been able to use the CDs, I'm guessing because I don't have a special cd player. I do have an instrument that's a boom box so I'm going to try and see if that is my main instrument if it will be able to play the cds....
I just named the 2nd Gen tama Aurelia

Fed her a Mega pizza and it filled all hungry and happy hearts. Yay!
That's it for now! I'll update again later as she morphs or does anything interesting