Well-known member
Well. This happened while I was on vacation. Here's the story: I had been carrying my v6 in my pocket for a few days unpaused so I could get her married. Little Diana did and had a baby boy named Bat-Man with an Androtchi or however you spell that. The robot dude. The next day my v6 was on my lap and I moved slightly and it slid off onto the wooden chair I was sitting on. I picked it up and immediately noticed something was wrong. An entire line of pixels was missing down the middle, cutting poor little Bat-Man almost in half. I grabbed the nearest #2 pencil and reset and downloaded, thinking it was just a little hiccup. It wasn't. The pixels were still missing. Upon further inspection, I also noticed that the little icon that you use to select practice, play, time out, or praise was invisible. Not gone, just invisible. I could still select it and then the options would come up, visible. Other than that, it seems to be working perfectly fine. I paused, hoping to maybe find a way to fix it. I could live with this, it doesn't bug me too much... but I want to know if there's a good way to fix this problem without completely having to do surgery, which I do not want to do, seeing as I've never attempted that before and would feel really nervous... Here's the damage:
Please help!

Please help!