V5 Was a Big Letdown


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I thought I'd love the V5, and I did at first but after two hours it was on my shame shelf gathering dust and it remains there. My favorite version was V2, but my one smashed. On V2 I could play for hours and V3 was good as well because they could connect with V2s. V4 was alright, I THINK they could connect to both versions. But V5 is just...grr. It can only connect to other V5s so I only got to connect it once with a friends and that was it. I want my V2 back T.T

I dont even own a v5 Sadly :(

I Kinda go on and off tamagotchi's. So I really cant be brothered getting v5.

Whats the point? I cant even connect em with my others.

I don't think the v5 was a BIG let down. I kind of like it , though I don't favor it like I do my v4. ha Ha. It's nor horrible. Lol. Everyone is bagging on it, but when you think about it, Bandai was just trying to do something new. You can't fault them from that, can ya? So they made a mistake (according to some of us). Yes. Hopefully the v6 will be better. While some of us think the v5 couldn't get any better, others are waiting for more appropriate versions.I don't care. I've found the version I'm sticking with :)

- Haru

I have to agree with the v. 5 being a simpler version to play, but it's actually a great version to play if you fall into a specific category. A college student would appreciate a v. 5 tama, as well as a high school or middle school student. It's a good version to play if you have a busier agenda. It's not as needy or as demanding of attention as other versions, and it won't die as fast, so it's the best version for people who are busy yet still want a tama to take care of. For a person who has more time to devote to a tamagotchi, another version might be more appropriate for them. The v. 5 tama is perhaps the best tama for a student, whilst other versions are more suitable for people who have more time to spend in caring for tamas more frequently. To put it simply, different tama versions work best for different sorts of people. This is why I enjoy my v. 5 tama. For my lifestyle, it suits perfectly. :hitodetchi:

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^ Yeah, I think the only up-side to the V5 is that it's so simple to care for.

But not caring for it as much as the other versions got boring for me, as it did to many of you guys.

I mean, for the days when I had a bit of spare-time, I didn't turn to my V5 'cuz it hardly ever needed anything.

~ Bethiee. :]

well I im a v5 fan (since it was my first tamagotchi) and i haf a celebrity as well and i asked my mum to get me a tamagotchi plus color and I vowed to take the batteries out of my v5s as soon as I got it because like most of you said v5s get boring after a couple of genarations

it makes sense that the v5 has no jobs because theirs multiple characters <_<

I just got my v6 today, and I am quite pleased. I think that it is by all means a step up from the v5. Since my tama (Andy) is still too young, I haven't been able to experience the band features yet, but so far so good. I like it. I think the stress meter adds a little more personality to the character. Comparing it to past tamagotchis, I had a stronger feeling of enjoyment in taking care of him rather than the tedious quick tending to in the past versions. The games are not necessarily a lot harder, but they require a bit more time and effort than games in past versions have. I like the concept of people knocking on your door, i think that's a nice addition. Getting a visitor every once and again is nice. I also like how the games add to different point levels in order to better the musical talents of the tamagotchi as opposed to just earning points. None the less, I'm pleased! :)

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