v5, mood decreases realll slow


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Dec 23, 2008
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okay soo i got a v5 today, and like

the moods go down one by like every

freaking hour. is this good or bad? i

mean you'd think it'd be fun but it's

really boring =/

It's normal for the happy & hungry hearts to empty over time. (As you said, maybe 1 per hour or so.)

Generally, a Tamagotchi is not a fast-paced toy.

i mean, i know they go down and stuff

i've had a couple before

but i don't even have to watch them

i just check in every half hour or so

=/ it feels like it's the oppisite of hyperspeed

I'm pretty sure the v5/v5.5 drop hunger/happiness hearts every hour and poop every two hours, regardless of what stage it's in. I really do feel like this Tamagotchi needs to be run alongside another Tamagotchi.

hehe, as long as it just wasn't mineee

i dun really like it, i think i might just take out the new battery and put it in my v4 or somethinggg

Well, I guess...

The babies get hungrier sooner, but once they evolve it takes longer for it to go down. Usually it takes 30 minutes for my hearts to go down. I guess its good, because you dont have to feed it every minute... ^w^

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