V5 matchmaker - partners are not cute


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Dec 28, 2008
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Hi you see, my tamagotchi already reached the adult stage and I want them to get a mate from the matchmaker soon however all the possible partners that the old matchmaker is offering for my babies are totally not cute. And I don't want to end up with a blended family type for my second generation. Is there any way that i can get the partner i want to have specifically from the matchmaker? if not, can i do some trick so that the matchmaker won't sleep after 3 attempts of selecting? :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

*binary: split post into a new topic*

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You can visit the Matchmaker up to 3 times per day. If you don't like any of the partners offered, just change the time to when your Tamagotchi's asleep, then change the time again to when your Tamagotchi's awake and you should be able to visit the Matchmaker again! This is how I got pure families on my v5.

Set the time to 11:59 PM and wait a minute. Then set the time to any of the hours that tamagotchi's are awake.

Your won't always get the tama you want. JUst be paicent.

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