I've found these souvenirs below. The numbers to the right of the souvenir is the item's HEX number.Entering the password for items 10-17 gave me an error. Maybe my Tamagotchi needs to be higher than gen 1.
1. Passport 1080
2. Brochure 1081
3. Car 1082
4. Picture Book 1083
5. Organ 1084
6. Graduation Cap 1085
7. Graduation Cape 1086
8. Dumbells 1087
9. Treadmill 1088
10. ??? 1089 (travleing item, need to travel first)
11. ??? 108A (traveling item, need to travel first)
12. ??? 108B (traveling item, need to travel first)
13. Eiffel tower 108C (need to travel first)
14. Elephant 108D (need to travel first)
15. Secptor 108E (king item, need to donate 10000 first)
16. ??? 108F (king item, donate 50000 i think first)
17. ??? 1090 (king item, need to donate 20,0000 first)
18. Stamp 1091
19. Box 1092
20. Smoothie 1093
21. Jug of Milk 1094
22. Hammer 1095
23. Ladder 1096
24. Drill 1097
25. Poster 1 1098
26. Poster 2 1099
27. Photo ID 109A
28. Action Figure 109B
29. Gold Disk 109C
30. Wedding Dress 109D
31. Trophy 109E
32. Lap Top PC 109F