Hello! I am new here and have only had a tamagotchi for five days, so sorry if it's not useful to you.
Here is what I've had so far (I saw it in the growth chart here already, but maybe some of my information is useful)
g1, girl
mohitamatchi (played with it a lot of mimic, okay-ish care, had more kindness and art points than intelligence)
ichigotchi (took it to school a lot and have had about 80 intelligence, 25 art and 37 kindness points, usually played flags with her, had 8 out of 10 training points when it developed)
ponitchi ( works for TV, has 183 int. points, 44 art points and 67 kindness points so far). She's 5 now, and I'm hoping the matchmaker will come soon, so I will keep you updated.
Oh, don't know if it's useful, but I feed it snacks all the time now, because I play with her a lot and it keeps dropping weight very fast.
Hope that was at least some help...