Well kuchi, that's what happens when I play my tama when I ride the train and wait to reach my destination. That's where I get my time.
And that's just weird. The turtle teacher gives intelligence (pencil), the flower teacher gives fashion (star) and the other one social (flower).
Yeah, go for a togetchi. It's real possible with those stats.
My tama, Shine, just woke up at 9 AM. I let her attend school a few more times. From the looks of things, has the chance of turning into a Makiko. She's already in the right track at 2 years old, a young memetchi, and has 94 pencil, 351 star and 76 points.
actually, I was told that the flower was fashion and the star was social... thats why, so it's the same.
Well, now I understand where you get ur time! (lol) My family never travels anymore, so I just stay at boring old home all summer.... *sigh*....
Anyways, If you hear me say social, i'm talking about star points, and fashion to me is the flower, so that u won't think i'm saying the other. (lol)
Anyways, I played a TON of games with Josh. Now he has 65 Intelligence, 65 Social (star) and 61 Fashion (flower).
And I'm sorry, Violetchi4697, we already started. But maybe next time!
Oh, and I just got mail (well, a few minutes ago, lol) and I have 2 money stars, 2 love stars, and 3 health stars.

No wonder he never gets sick!

He also has a letter, but I didn't open it yet (oh, by the way, the king came earlier while my mom was on the computer, and the king gave me a fishing pole, which gave me 1000 points on the first try!

) Oooh! Its the king again. Lets see what he gives me... a Beef Bowl! Cool!
In total, I have 13,100 gotchi points.

Oh, and now he has 5 training bars! yay! He's still 1 and he's 30 pounds (I fed him a ton of snacks thinking I was going to play a ton more games with him, but then I had to do something and I was busy, so now he's overweight. oh well he'll lose it 2morrow.)

I was going to go on tamatown, but I was doing something for my mom online, so I couldn't. So now it's 2:45 AM and now I'm here and listening to the Potential Breakup Song by Aly and Aj (I love it!)

Well, seeya l8r!
P.S. I just bought 2 shovels, so now he has 12,700 gotchi points. Or does he. Lemme use shovels... Ok the first one was a Tart, and the second one is.....30 points.

oh well....~