V4 - Character evolution question


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Feb 7, 2012
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I recently got a tamagotchi V4. As a toddler she evolved into puchitchi just like i wanted. I treated it really well, i read all growth charts specifications and follow them to the line. I played both jump rope and mimic lots of times and i even finish them 98% of the times i played. My puchitchi stats were like this before she evolved into teen:

hungry/happy: full

training: 8 of 9 dots

inteligence: 48

fashion: 31

kindness: 20



the thing is, i was expecting a young mimitchi, but instead i got a ringotchi... i wonder why? i took perfect care and she had more inteligence points than others...

what can i do, besides increasing the inteligence level, to be sure i'll get a mimitchi when she becomes an adult?

Nope, you're on the right track to mimitchi, according to this growth chart on tamazone. Just keep increasing the intelligence skill points and you should have mimitchi in no time!

No worries, Ringotchi, in the V4, is also in the Mame family; the same group as Young Mimitchi. :)

You haven't done anything wrong. There isn't a way to control the teenager you'll get, but you can certainly control the adult :)

Young Mimitchi and Ringotchi is in the same group: mame family; they will both turn into Mimitchi if the intelligence skill points are the highst :)

So yes, no worries :)

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