V4.5 Log


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
I am unboxing my new V4.5 right now! I can't wait to get it started! OWWWW! Sorry, I got a cut from the plastic packaging. This is tough! Finally, it's out! Log starts NOW! Setting the time...Birthday...User Name...EGG! It's a girl! I am naming her Isis. Here she is! Better take care of her...Playing my first game...I fed her a snack. A new Tama is born!

I will update when Isis evolves or just when she does anything interesting. Bye for now!

Oh poor little Isis. She just got sick! But I have news...

You know Isis has no parents? That will change. I have a V4 "mother" for her! Let's see if they can connect...

:( nope. My V4 sensor is too old. Oh well, Isis can manage.

I seriously do not know why Isis evolved into a Kuchitamatachi. That's a boy character! Well, still, I did unlock a new game, Tug-Of-War. I will play it now and check out a growth chart.

I found that Isis is part of the Other Family. I wish I had the UraMeme Family. I hope Isis enjoyed the bike ride with me! She got a poo in the mail so she lost all her Happy Hearts :( :angry: but I played Climb enough to regain them.

Yippeee! Isis evolved into a Young UraMemetchi! Exactly what I wanted! She also turned 1. She also unlocked THREE NEW GAMES!!! I am SUPER LUCKY today!

Ura-Violetchi? Sure. I would NEVER not let my first character be my favourite. She is really cute! Just raise your own and you'll see!

I have a lot of news! Isis became a Fire-Fighter (passed first time ^_^ ) AND the Matchmaker came for her! She quickly married Mametchi (that's what the Matchmaker offered) and had a baby girl. Isis is due to leave tonight :( .

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Woweee! Isis left! I named her cute baby girl Diana and I'm going to turn her into UraMemetchi. She is still a Petitchi, of course, but she will evolve! Stay tuned!

Yay! Diana just evolved into Hitodetchi! She's really cute. She can't go to preschool yet but she will be able to soon!
