v4.5 battery issues?


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Apr 21, 2013
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Well, I'll go buy new batteries for my v4.5, but after 2 days all the batteries I put in 'go dead' I then try them in my other tamas and they work fine.. So It's like it's just this particular v4.5 has constantly got low battery no matter if the battery really is low or not? Any ideas? Someone said to use a smaller battery for a while.. then switch back to the regular kind, but I really doubt that would work?:S D: Any help appreciated!

Its a battery draining glitch. I don't think it can be fixed. View THIS topic for more info

Some versions are picky with the brand of batteries, and act like the battery is used up when it isn't.

Try a better brand of battery, such as maxell, duracell, panasonic or energizer, and your tamagotchi should work just fine. ;)

Another idea is to take the battery out, leave it out for a little while, then put it back in. Personally, I put my battery in the fridge and then put it back in the Tamagotchi.

Taking the battery out and putting it back in will usually keep the "dead battery" symbol from showing up.

However, for a more permanent solution, I'd go with Jokus's idea. Make sure you use good batteries rather than the cheap generic ones. You can find them on Amazon for pretty cheap: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=cr2032%20battery&sprefix=cr2032+%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Acr2032%20battery

If you buy them on Amazon, make sure they're a good brand like Jokus said. Don't get the generic kind.

I don't like buying batteries in the city because they are so expensive. $8 for a pack of 2 is ridiculous!

Leave the batteries out for a while and then put them back in. You should use a name brand like Duracell or Energizer. I'm still waiting for my Energizer batteries to die on my V4.5s and it's been three months. Also, check to see if there's something loose inside the 4.5 or if there's battery corrosion.

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