v4.5 backpack animation?


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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Shady Cove, Oregon
Hey, tamatalkers. Wasssuuuppp? So I need help....So I took my tamagotchi v4.5 out of it's pouch this morning and my ura mametchi was doing something I've never seen any tamagotchi do before. It was dancing around with a backpack. Like, it would dance side by side with it's backpack on, then turn around and show me it's backpack while looking over it's shoulder like "LOOKET MAH BACKPACK." It was cute and all, but I don't know why or how it was playing with an item without me giving it to it. Plus, I didn't even buy a backpack for my tama, and I'm not even sure they are available as one of the items you can get on your tama...But I also have this other idea, with how when your tama first starts going to school and gets a backpack and all...but how would my tama be using it like that? I don't understand. I am confused. HELP PLEASE.

That's a back to school animation. I've caught my tamas doing it too. It's normal. ;)

Ahhh, makes sense! How cute :) I guess the fact that I'm twenty and already graduated this animation was very confusing to me. THANKS!

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