okay, i'm a mom here. if your dad said no, then there is another way to try. first, make shure that you don't use a "whiney" voice. go to your dad, and explain to him that you understand that he said no, but you have a deal for him. like AndyGal said, offer to do chores, and not just anychores. chores that you really don't like doing, that way he really gets it that you are serious about wanting it. try asking if you can do the dishes, clean a room, wash his car, or even better, ask him to make up a list of extra chores for you to do for a week, and then do them. adults really like good deals, and we also know that when you say "i'll be good for the whole year" that it isn't really going to happen. you have to provide something for him that he can't refuse. good luck!