V3 - Ways to fill Training?


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
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Just wondering if there is any other way to fill up the training bar other than waiting for the discipline chances? I read in another forum somewhere that buying a PC and using it ten times would fill the bars. But I have not seen a PC anywhere in tamatown or in the shop on my v3...Help please! I had to pause this weekend because of work and an event I was helping host...now I'm afraid I've missed all chances of filling the training to get Memetchi on my V3 :( It's still currently 2 yrs this morning but I know it will be 3 by the end of today.

I don't think there's another way - not on the V3 at least. It's about catching the discipline calls. I don't remember anything about a PC filling training bars on the V3.

However, if you've paused your V3 it shouldn't miss any training calls. For example if you paused it for 7 hours, then it's next evolution stage will be delayed by 7 hours (no matter what age the counter says) - so I am pretty sure you will still get discipline calls and opportunities to add to the training bar score. It's been a while since I ran a V3 but I think this is correct ... :p

Oh, that is good news then! Yea it's been a year or two since I last ran a V3... I forget all the little tricks I used to know :(

Just read on Tama-zone, that the other way to fill training is to have your tama wrap a gift and gift it to another v3. if he gives another gift other than the one you wrapped like a poo or something, then you can punish him and it will increase his training :D But it only works if you have one wrapped.

One thing about the gift is that disciplining doesn't always work even if they give a mean gift. If they keep bouncing around the screen like normal after they return to their egg, it won't do a thing. But sometimes you'll see them go to the bottom of the screen and "smirk" after sending a mean present, which is when they need to be disciplined.

Oooo. Good point, I've never heard of that before! And I'm currently running two v3's.

There must be a present wrapped up before that will work, so wrap up a present whenever you want to try this cheat.. Remember to press B first on the Tamagotchi who is to recieve the present, and if the Tama who gives the present gives the other one the wrong present, you can discipline it.

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