v3 Loggy


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Oh, and I fed him his Cake and Pudding. :D

Byes! Send fanmail....NOW!!!

Yay! We already have 2 pages! Hope you can keep up. Send in the fanmail, so I know what great people dare to read my log! Ahaha....

Anyway, my wittle woung Mametchi is sleeping right now. He should wake up in about 20 minutes. TODAY IS HIS BIG DAY!!! I better find a code for a cake, because today he will turn into a Mametchi! I know it... I know he will. It's weird though, because he's only going to be 2. I have to wait 2 or 3 days before he can get married. :D

But oh well. I went to see a movie last night but he seemed fine. He is 25 lbs, so he still needs to get some blubber. Ahahaha!!! Just kidding, my sweetie just still has some baby fat. Right Ceek?

Ceek: Humsama...Oooh...*bolt upright*NO!!!*bolt downright* Zz...zzzz....

o_O Um, alright then. Bye!

He woke up.

Ceek: Dude, I'm like, a grown dude now.... Totally.......

Me: Ohhhh no. Oh no.

Ceek: Like, what mom?

Me: In 6 hours you will be. So don't get your hopes up.

Ceek: But moooommm.... You were so cheap you bought me like, popcorn for my birthday....

Me: I'll get cake.

Ceek: Yaahh!

Sned fanmail. Now.


I need your opinion.

Send me a Private Message titled "Opinion". Then just say one word:

Yes or No.

(and don't say or. Haha)

Should Ceek become an Elder and have to Reset? Or should he continue onto many Generations?

I'm nervous. What do YOU think?

Hi everyone!

So he didn't evolve yesterday. >:[

Boy, I am stupid.

Ceek*whispering*: You got that right.

Shut it Ceek. Or you'll never be going onto that trip I promised you when you get older.

Ceek: NOOO!! I'm sorry!!!


Anyway, our second fanmail!

From Tamagotchi~Dutchess

Through Kickthekan123's log, I found you and i checked out your log

It's very cute! I'm deffinetly going to start following it now~!!

also, i hav a music star log if you want to read it id appreciate it much  look for my username on the logs page.

keep posting!

- Tamagotchi~Dutchess
Thanks! I definetly will check out your log! Hey, everybody, go check out her log! I haven't looked yet, but...It's most likely awesome!!!

Anyway, Ceek is 38 lbs. Trying to keep him under 40.

Bye! Keep reading! And send fanmail.

I mean it. >:]

He is 2 right now. I just hope he turns into an adult today. I am also trying to sell a v3 but my dad won't let me, so don't ask ahaha.

Ceek: Mom, you are so mean.

Me: I am not! Shut it bub!

Ceek: Especially to me. I hope you don't raise my kids like this.

Me: I doubt you even want any...>:'[

Ceek: Who said I didn't? I'm going to get married to a pretty Nyatchi...our child will grow up to be a Mimitchi, and the Mametchi (me) and Nyatchi and our daughter will live---

Me: Shut it. Now.

Ceek: Okay okay, sorry!

Bye, till next time!

From Hardcore TamaNo.

I think you should make it get married at live on for many generations!

Also I love you Log and I hope you check mine out when its up and running! I'll send you a link when its done!

Thanks for the good read! 
Thanks Hardcore Tama! I will! I think so too.

Ceek: Many generations? Dude, I never thought something...One day I'll be a grand parent?

Me: *smacks hand on forehead.*

Wow. Teens seem to get hungry more easy than Toddlers! Ahaha. I hope he evolves soon.

Ceek: So I can meet that beautiful Nyatchi...Ahhhh....*dreamy face*

Me: >:[ :D

Hey there! I seriously think his cake is going to rot.

I bought him a Lion Doll, but he hates it. He has 5 bars of discipline, though. Anyway, he will probably evolve today, and I have 9 GP. XD

Send your fanmail. Remember, I probably read yours too!

Ack...He evolved. And I'm happy, but he's...

a Memetchi.

Ceek: And GIRLY for tama's sake!!! Good gosh!

Hey, I'm sorry babe. But soon you can marry that Memetchi, huh?

Ceek: Sure whatever...

Send mail. But later. Not in a good mood right now.

Oh yeah. I am using his Hototchi costume if thats what its called. We went to Chile and got his Maracas first to get rid of some stress because of him not being Mametchi.

Ceek: This costume at least makes me look less girly.In one day the matchmaker will come and I'll be married.

Ceek: Hi there! This is Ceek speaking.

I am wearing a Nyatchi costume! Oh, and Mom told me to tell you that this is the last day to vote whether or not I should get married!

I will only look girly when I'm sleeping now because I found out that you can use the Hothotchi costume again and again! Woop!

What? Where is Monchi? Oh, well she said she was hot and tired, and we are in Vermont right now. But she said she'd post when she gets home after lunch. It will be about 2-3:00PM then. Maybe 4:00.

Okay, bye! Oh, and Monchi also reminded me to remind you to remind yourself to remind your fingers to type fanmail. Or at least, that's what I THINK she said.

Yeah, I've been home for a while, but no time to write. Sorry.

Ceek is chillaxin on my bed, though. Still in his Nyatchi suit.

Oh, yeah. Voting is continued into tomorrow! So send your opinion!

Why? Well, I figured out that Tams can get married at 6/7. Since Ceek evolved at age 4, I have to wait another 2 days. And I'm angry. :lol:

I've offically claimed Ceek as a Hototchi! I hate Memetchis. No offence, but especially for a GUY Tama. And I can reuse the costume, so he is now a rare little dude!!! And he will pass that down to his kiddies. :)

The only time he can't use it is when I change the time or he's sleeping. >:[

Oh well.

Sorry for this post being so long!


Ceek: *writing in diary and mumbling* and...crush...name...Maskitchi...

Your crush is Maskitchi!!!???

Ceek: *looks up* No. I wrote: I want to crush that mean girl...Her name is Maskitchi.

Oh. Okay. I know, you like Nyatchis. Don't remind me.

Ceek: ...Ohhhh-kay???

We got fanmail! And art!

Hey Im just loving your log and I decided to draw some fanart of ceek! https://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/P...al11/IMG-15.jpg I hope he likes it!And also I have made my Blog  https://www.blogagotchi.com/TamagotchiReborn/ and I will start it as soon as I get my new tama! Keep up the good work!  :huh:
Thanks Hardcore Tama! I'll read your log!!!! The fanart is funny!!

Ceek: I don't think its very funny.

Hey, shut it blabbermouth. She worked hard on it!

Ceek: I mean, its funny and all! Yeah! Hilarious! AHAHA....


Almost 150 views! WOWIE! And almost 50 posts too! Ceek is up on the counter... I don't wanna play with him right now.

150 views yay!

Anyway, I haven't been on in a while. I'm SUPER DUPER busy, and...Yeah. Ceek got tons of neglect yesterday. Sorry Ceeky! I put him on pause until I have time, so bye!

Ceek: Meanie.

Me: Sorry...


That means I won't be on for a while. I have other things to do. I will be back by next month, maybe later or maybe sooner.

That means I won't play Tamagotchi or read any of your logs 'till then.



I'm glad you read this.

I'm still on HIATUS. But I'll come back soon.

