V3 LOG---->


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Sweetie, it was for the best...




Drama, drama....


MEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :huh: :eek: :angry: :angry:


Philly, I was going out with my friends, I didn't want you to get hurt...


Oh ho, but what about emotionally? Do you know what it's like to be hanging around your room, everything cool, and then feel yourself slow down, like everything is spinning in slow motion, and your arms feel heavier to move, and then you can't move them at all, and you can't even feel yourself breathe!?


Philly, I'm so sorry.


You like Gold better, don't you.


I am not Gold's guardian! I'm your guaridan! I raised your father, and I named you, and I've been by your side whenever I could, and I love you very much.


:) Ok. You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you for not leaving me to starve...


Of course not.


SO, I didn't do much growing today. But and I'm 1/2 unhappy and 30 lbs.


Well, we can play some heading later.


Will Gold be there?


Nope. Just you and me.


Hellz ya man!


What was that???


*gulp*. Nothing.

Yo. Ya know what we just realized?




*laughs* Ya kiddin me right now.


No i aint!






Anyway, we just realized that this log is now a hot topic on the log page!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you readers for keep reading this log!


Ya know that we also have aqquired 165 views!!


Ya? Did you, Sir Philip, just say 'ya' ???



Deary me! Two pages???!

I would like to thank the academy, Bandai America, Tamagotchi Planet, the Internet, all little tamagotchis on our planet and elsewhere, I would like to thank my parents for funding my care of tamagotchis...

Of course TamaTalk for allowing this log to take place...

My fans -- Tamanug, KicktheKan123, Krazy11, GirlzRule, CheatahLoverGirl456, ~Monchi~, memetchi7 and all the other anonymous or left out readers of my log... I couldn't accomplish this without you, I love you all so much *tears up*...

(please note, I tried to make everyone I mentioned a clickable link to their log, cuz they deserve it)

Who's adult? Oh oh, who's adult? oh oh...


You can be silent now Gold.


Sez who?


whom.And I do. You're being entirely obnoxious.


Oh, yo, entirely? My b.


Shh you guys. Be brothers...


Yo T~D, I think we are...


Where is your guardian?


Watching cartoons. ;)




T~D, I am officially disowning my brother.




Holy c**p!


*whispers* Mud-mouth!




wha- wha- that blue cloud...


It's swirling to make a shape.... Dad?


Yes. I am your father, Xing.


I knew I recognized that Pyonkotchi! :eek:


You two have disappointed me so much. When you were born, I thought you were so lucky to have each other to grow up with, companions, like I never had. Of course I had your mother, but I didn't have a real partner, like you two have. I never had the chance to have a brother.


Aw, come on dad. Dramatic much?


NO! I cannot believe my two sons would be as ungreatful as to try and disown each other.


Sorry Dad.


Yeah, sorry Dad.


I hope you are... and to each other as well.





Ok, so we had a little incident with our father, me and Gold did.


So uh, we decided, in memory of our Pa, to be like good and stuff.


Let me tell you, it's difficult.




Well dude, I haven't talked to you about life since we were like thirteen!


You two will have plenty of time in your early through mid adulthood to catch up. I don't think you will be seeing any girls anytime soon, so you both will be waiting for the matchmaker to get married.


Fine. As long as Gold is mature about it.


HEY! HEY! T~D!! Phil said dude! Did you even see that?


Yes i did.


Anyway... as log as you're mature...


Oh, Sir Philip, still only seventeen and a teenager, while **I** am an adult. Don't talk to ME about maturity... *cough* adolescent *cough*


Whoa, whoa, whatever happened to peace?


SCREW PEACE! *jumps at his brother*

By the way, In the past 20 hours, this log has gone from 180 views to 215!!! That's 35 views today!!! :lol: :furawatchi: <_< :unsure: :huh: Thank you TamaTalk!! This is so much more amazing than I'd expected!

I never thought this log would be as long nor sucessful as it has been! :lol:

Okay. You know what? Gold can't say anything about maturity and being an adult first.


I don't care Phil.


OH? Of course you care. So does your guardian. The truth is finally out: I'M the good child of the family! You're just a bad character - Warusotchi. I'M a perfect character: Chomametchi.


Shut up Philip.


What if I dont? After all the taunting, and teenage year struggles, THIS is my triumph! Don't try and destroy it 'cause you can't!!!


T~D, make it shut up!


It??/ Excuse me I-




Hey, it's dad-


I don't car-


Phil! Get a hold of yourself!


Dude, come on!




Phil, this isn't like you!




That's just an illusion...Dad isn't on earth...


He's in your head!


What? You callin me crazy?


Phil, get off of your brother!


You know what? I'm just going to go put this energy into Bump.


Thank goodness.

We forgot something very important T~D.


I know!! We have two things: First, we present, my brother: KutchipatchiKing (he doesn't actually have a tamatalk, that's what he wants to be called).


Yo, that would be my guardian you're talking about!


What do you want to say, K.K. (could I call you that?)


Yeah... has Gold been annoying you today, yesterday, or the day before...?


No offense, but yeah. A lot.


Well Phil, I didn't know that brothers could be that apart from each other!


Excuse me! It was the tama of your upbringing that started it!!


Okay, peace... we have our OTHER thing...


*cough* That's right... back to business. Fanmail!!! :D


From one of our longest and favorite readers:


Sorry to be such a pain and I know I'm backagain but I love the last entry you made! "Did you just say ya, Sir Phil?" "...Um, of course not!" I laughed. No wonder your log's a hot topic! Love it!

But it's never a pain to get fanmail!






Well I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot from me about this "conversation" tomorrow...


I think my bro is getting an actuall TT soon. ;) ---- Thanx for the mail, KicktheKan123... sorry your recognition is so late... :p

I must say, that Phil has had his life force (battery) removed and now I am playing with a v4.5, but on a different log

I hope to get that log as popular as this one was, and to run it even longer. Because this log specifies V3 in the title, I had to shut it down.

However, [SIZE=21pt] HERE[/SIZE] is my new log, so please!!!! come visit my new log and help me keep it to be a sucessful one! :furawatchi:

Thank you all. Hope to hear from you again.

