Uuuhm well - how long do the Tama P's live? XD


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Jan 19, 2014
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Heyhey guys,

I posted yesterday and the day before ^^U. I have a new problem. How long do the characters live? I remember that the first one lasted 7 days before 'leaving'. My virtual pet lives for 28 days. My Tama Go and my Tama P are new in my collection, so I don't know. :| Still seven days? Because I looked at my Tama right now and it's gone T_T... it nearly got married... sob sob.

They don't --- provided you take good care of them, they can live virtually "forever" though the age counter stops at 99.

If neglected they will run away.

They don't --- provided you take good care of them, they can live virtually "forever" though the age counter stops at 99.

If neglected they will run away.
T_____________T How many times does it need to be neglected?

I really tried to, but because of work it happened from time to time v-v. I played a lot with him today and couldn't look for him for 2 hours or so, and then he was gone. Boo x.x

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I was gone for seven hours once and all my tamas were still there, including the P's. Maybe it's random?

Good question o,o!

@ichiro: Does that mean that I can keep one generation forever? I'm a little bit sad because I saw when you character get's married in the P's, they will vanish as soon as there's a new egg :/. I like my current character very much, so can I have it until the age if 99? oo xD (sounds crazy, kind of, I know)

Yes you could keep one generation forever, even beyond 99, it just stops recording the age after 99.

Also, you know you can pause tamas if you can't look after them for a while, then they won't leave so often ;)

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Yes you could keep one generation forever, even beyond 99, it just stops recording the age after 99.

Also, you know you can pause tamas if you can't look after them for a while, then they won't leave so often ;)
Yesss :/ I haven't done it correctly with the first character on my Tama P's... :/

With my Cooltec, it's more complicated. You can send the dog to sleep, but after an hour he's awake. And during the work it's somestimes difficult to put him back to sleep, gnaaah~ >_<

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