If you are already experienced with the EnTama, you should have no problems figuring out the UraTama. They're very similar.
If you are unfamiliar with EnTama, and can't read the Japanese UraTama instruction book, you can probably figure out how to use UraTama functions by looking at these English-language EnTama guides on the web here:
and here:
and here:
There are a few differences between the EnTama and the UraTama. The characters have changed. Different looks and different names. The "zoku" (groups) have changed, and the GUTS attributes have changed. So now instead of Intelligence, Style, and Kindness, there is Humor, Gorgeous, and Passion GUTS points. Along with this there are new teachers. The Cooking Ingredients have changed. Some of the rare items have changed.
The web site is different. UraTama characters go to UraTama town instead of Tamagotchi Town. Both UraTama and EnTama characters go to the same travel tour locations (Flower Hills, Pachi Forest, etc.). Both web sites are accessed through the e-tamago portal. The web address is in the instruction book.
UraTama can connect to EnTama via infrared. They can exchange gifts (which may get transformed in the process) and they can play games, but they can't mate together.
There is an UraTama character chart here: