Updated D-Best Password Generator for V4 TamaTown


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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Lancaster, PA, U.S.A.
Since nobody has the source code to the generator that is currently pinned I went ahead and found archive.org'sy of D-Best's page on how to generate your own. Then I realized TamaTown US has not been working for months... Finding that the Europe TamaTown still works fine I found the cgi script for the generator on that server and have updated and mirrored the page to reflect these changes.

What I'm saying is you can generate passwords for your v4/v4.5 again!

Visit https://dk.toastednet.org/v4/howto.html to generate them.

OMG thank you so much! Do you think when tamatown for the V6 reopens again, you can do the generator just like JamesChaplin1? (Musicstargen.site40.net) Thanks so much! :)

- TamaTamatchi

OMG thank you so much! Do you think when tamatown for the V6 reopens again, you can do the generator just like JamesChaplin1? (Musicstargen.site40.net) Thanks so much! :)

- TamaTamatchi
If there was a mirror of the generator itself, then yes. I didn't write these tools, I simply just changed a bit of the code to use the euro server instead

But, it sounds very likely the V5 and V6 pages aren't coming back and that nobody mirrored the tools. The only reason I was able to host this generator for V4 was because I was able to access it with archive.org.

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