Unpopular Tamagotchi opinions


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2014
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The abyssal plains
The title speaks for itself really. Let me start...

  • The reduction from 32 characters to 12 characters on the color versions was one of the best decisions made for the 4U series.
  • NFC instead of Infrared was a not necessarily needed, but welcoming change.
  • The "tamapet" feature on the P's was needlessly tacked on, but it didn't take away from the quality of the tama itself.
  • What did take away from the quality of the P's was the required raising of mostly unfamiliar and generically designed characters.
  • Most third party licensed tamagotchi characters pre-color era were ugly.
  • Himespetchi's shtick is boring.
I don't care for the majority of the characters in Friends/Dream Town. They all look the same to me, especially the girls, with their big eyes and "kawaii" clothes. They really lack the uniqueness and the charm that the previous generations characters had. While I am enjoying my Dream Town, I do prefer the Connection line when it comes to the designs. There were characters for perfect, excellent, average and poor care that looked kind of strange or ugly. I miss those characters so much! Oyatchi is completely absent from these recent International releases. :(

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I don't like most of the characters from the P's on, I can't wait for the characters to be more like they were before they ALL gained clothes and were really humanized...

I don't like The Dream Town version as much as any other version, the Tama-Go was way better in my opinion.

I don't like that everything is "girly" (might not be unpopular to all)

Uhhhh the last three replies were all basically the same so I doubt that's an unpopular opinion.

:newmametchi: Tamagotchi Friends is really good and Tamagotchi Friends Dream Town is the best version of them all.

:newmametchi: Mametchi's old sprite is inaccurate and unappealing to me.

:newmametchi: And the older Tamagotchi characters are more uncreative than the modern ones everyone's complaining about ;P

Uhhhh the last three replies were all basically the same so I doubt that's an unpopular opinion.

:newmametchi: Tamagotchi Friends is really good and Tamagotchi Friends Dream Town is the best version of them all.

:newmametchi: Mametchi's old sprite is inaccurate and unappealing to me.

:newmametchi: And the older Tamagotchi characters are more uncreative than the modern ones everyone's complaining about ;P
Lately, everyone I have heard from has loved Tamagotchi Friends Dream Town, a lot of newer people like it too. Just because there are three of the same in a row does not make it an "Unpopular Opinion." Good Lord lol

  • The reduction from 32 characters to 12 characters on the color versions was one of the best decisions made for the 4U series.
I thought I was the only one who liked this.

I don't care for the majority of the characters in Friends/Dream Town. They all look the same to me, especially the girls, with their big eyes and "kawaii" clothes. They really lack the uniqueness and the charm that the previous generations characters had. While I am enjoying my Dream Town, I do prefer the Connection line when it comes to the designs. There were characters for perfect, excellent, average and poor care that looked kind of strange or ugly. I miss those characters so much! Oyatchi is completely absent from these recent International releases. :(

Ever since the P's, the additional characters have been nothing but rip offs of the others, with the same color schemes, designs, etc., which lost its charm after lovelitchi

I don't like most of the characters from the P's on, I can't wait for the characters to be more like they were before they ALL gained clothes and were really humanized...


Don't know how popular/unpopular this is, but I think the version 4 and 4.5 had the best characters.

:furawatchi: I like that there's ugly characters in the non colour tamas because it makes it more fun + I really like Oyajitchi and he's included on the Home Deka as a game character along with Mametchi, Memetchi and Kuchipatchi... Kinda makes him seem like he was something at one point and now he doesn't even exist

:furawatchi: I have colour versions now purely for collection purposes but after playing with them I don't like them. For me personally they don't have a certain charm the connections do

:furawatchi: "Now I can finally play them in the dark!!" means nothing to me because I have a full time job. Dark now means sleep and sleep only.

:furawatchi: As much as I'd love for Bandai to carry on with tamagotchi I'm also fine if the next one they're bringing out is the last one. All good things must come to an end... (especially as it's gonna be a colour so it actually won't matter to me lol)

:furawatchi: ^^ Because Connections are my favourite and TamaTown was taken down Tamagotchi has been dead to me for ages.

:furawatchi: I have vintages in my collection and I love the noises but actually playing with them is horrible.

:furawatchi: Music Star is terrible.

:furawatchi: I agree with EMF that TF is actually really good (I'll still rip on it because it needs improvement imo). I liked it way more than any of my colour tamas, V6 and V5 and even got a friend to buy a TF and she absolutely loved it.

:furawatchi: I like the Tama-go add ons. Not for their content but the fact that they're really cute and they make a nice display even though Violetchi's body colour doesn't match her head colour (they are overpriced though but you can get them in bundles now for real cheap soo...)

Edit: :furawatchi: I'd rather they got rid of Kuchipatchi, Memetchi and Mametchi all together as they now stick out like sore thumbs from the rest of the characters and it just looks ridiculous.

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I don't know if this would be considered an unpopular opinion or not, but it might be for some Tamagotchi fans... I miss a lot of the competitors, such as Giga Pets or the Nano pets! It was nice having a wide selection. The majority of the other v-pets were programmed differently and offered a new challenge. You hardly see any new v-pets on the market anymore. I think it's because you can just buy a pet app on any mobile device (instead of going to Toys R Us or any other toy store to purchase one), I think the 2000's were the last good decade for international, handheld v-pets. :(

Ugh... where do I even start?

:angry: No one ever bothered to make a good English coloured version that has a reasonable price and was easy to obtain.

:angry: The newer female pets look like kawaii anime robot animals instead of cute monster alien egg pets.

:angry: The versions available for sale in stores in Canada all stress their bump function, which doesn't really work because there's no one else who has them in my neighbourhood...

:angry: The newer versions leave instead of die. Which is a lie, since the device deletes their data.

:angry: For some reason, Tamagotchi are "for girls" and Pokémon are "for boys", which is ridiculous because there are lots of boys here who play Tamagotchi and I personally love Pokémon.

:angry: There are too many versions that are exclusive to Japan!

-I'm not a big fan of the vintage Tamagotchi versions.

-After the first season, the original anime series was the absolute best. It needs a decent English dub. Maybe I'll make one myself

-I don't mind the newer designs, though I do prefer the more simplistic designs of the past.

-V5 was one of my favorite versions.

-The only thing wrong with the Music Star is the somewhat unresponsive buttons. (And maybe that's just mine)

-Dream Town is all right. It will never fill the void though

-Violetchi is super adorable. :furawatchi:

-I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but Melodytchi is my absolute favorite character in the anime.

- I actually like Masktchi, even though she's a bad care character

- I don't like it when people pronounce Tamagotchi as "Tomagatchi' or 'Tomogatchi', it's TAMAGOTCHI, NOT 'TOMAGATCHI' OR SOMETHIN LIKE THAT

- Speaking of that, I also don't like it when people confuse Tamagotchi with Tomodachi Life, there's a big difference between the two, y'know

- Wishing that the Dream Town game was a online town, but instead it turned into a MMO..But I do understand why that didn't happen, though. But still... I don't hate it, but I still wish that it was an online multiplayer game..

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