Uni Worth it?


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Not Elliette

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2023
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Hello! I have a tamagotchi pix right now, and I was wondering if I should get a uni. I've heard it's got a watch on it ( good for taking to schools :p ), It doesn't need batteries ( so much easier ), and probably more things I forgot.

I just wanted to ask, is a Uni worth getting?
I got one, and personally, after day 5 I was bored with it. It pretty much does everything for itself a side from you feeding and playing with it. The chracter roster is also small for me. Compared to a Tamagotchi Connection V2 or V3. If they were to remake the Tamagotchi Connections in color. That would be absolutely perfect for me, but the Uni did nothing for me. I got 2 adults in 5 or 6 days. So you don't even get time to bond with each stage. Baby to toddler is an hour, Toddler to Teen is 24 hours, and Teen to adult is also 24 hours. Over all not happy with it, but at least it's pretty to look at.
What You Can Do
Connect with near uni devices, receive Gifts,
Go to the tamaverse, dress up your tama, etc.

Raisable Tamas
Niinitchi - female
Yooyutchi - male

Toddler (Child)
Lionetchi (Female, High Happiness)
Welcotchi (Male, High Happiness)
Otamatchi (Female, Low Happiness)
Mitsumarutchi (Male, Low Happines)

Teen (Teenager)
Kuriritchi (Male, Happiness 15 To 20 Points Or Do
DIY Crafting at least 10 times)
Labilatchi (Female, Happiness 15 To 20 Points or
do diy Crafting at least 10 times)
Gunchitchi (Male, Happiness Between 6 to 14
Points Or Feed snacks 40 times
Teftetchi (Female, Happiness Between 6 to 14
Points Or feed snacks 40 times
Curltchi (Male, Happiness 0 To 5 Points Or Get
A Perfect score of 15 games in tama Arcade)
Tustutchi (Female, Happiness 0 To 5 Points or get
A perfect score of 15 games in tama arcade)

Personally for me I think the Uni is a great Tama!

I don’t currently have a Pix however I have previously owned both a P’s and an ON. I ended up selling them both and tbh I couldn’t really figure out why I didn’t get on with them considering many here would say they are both the best colour Tama’s to have been released.

The Uni for me is low maintenance which works great with work since I have quite a full-on high stress job so don’t always got much time to tend to it but it is entertaining enough in my down time that I have not yet gotten bored and still feel excited to pick it up.

I also love the smaller size! I think one of the things that I struggled with the older colour versions is the larger size was awkward and difficult to get on with, I found them uncomfortable to wear on lanyards due to the weight on my neck.

The fact that it is USB rechargeable now is the best! Super easy to do!

I’m not a massive fan of the shell colours but I like the customisable faceplates.

The only thing that would make it better for me would be the ability to stroke the Tama like on the Pix and Smart, that is such an adorable feature imo!

Best of luck deciding to get one 😊
I ended up returning my Uni yesterday and ordered the iD L Princess Spacy instead. :<_<:

There are some cool features I do love regarding it such as the rechargeable battery, the cuteness of taking your Tama on a tour, Tamawalk itself, that they used physical buttons, social media posts from your Tama, and the whole personalities concept/"UniTama". :angry:

That said, despite how awesome the features I mentioned are.. I just overall found it lackluster and "boring" compared to any other Tama I have played so far! It also just feels more.. empty, somehow? For example, the sleeping screen for the Uni just shows your Tama in an essentially empty bedroom .. but on the Pix, Meets, etc, the rooms have decor and furniture and feel more.. lived in. Even just small details like that are abundant in the other versions but not in the Uni.

I don't like the forced limitedness of items either and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Like the whole passport is a cute concept, but none of us overseas fans outside of Japan will ever get our hands on any of that without having to pay an arm and a leg for the physical sticker realistically, or get lucky if someone puts the item up in the Tama Fashion shop. Some of those sticker codes can only be used 3 times, as well. So if you own multiple Tama, end up resetting your device, etc.. well, too bad I guess! :tongue:

And, I'm not really a big fan of the required online connectivity for the core functions of it/quality of life features.. For example, if someone bought one right now but couldn't update it any time soon/didn't have access to internet - they would be stuck with a Tama with no volume control, since it was an update that fixed that. Whereas every other Tama is good to go out of the box, with at most needing a singular purchase of a Tamaphone to add extra content or translations that are free online.

Edit to add: also forgot to consider the fact the Uni cannot be paused or turned off. For a lot of people this in itself is a huge deal breaker, and was a big detractor for me as well. I work 2 jobs and though my M-F allows me to have them with me at my desk, there are still periods of time and on the weekend I'm unable to play with them properly so at the very least with every other model I can take the battery out myself.

Overall, though the concept was very promising - I found the Uni a let down for what I personally want and enjoy out of a Tamagotchi device. I'm having a lot more fun even just with my Pix, and am waiting for my P and iDL (and Tamaphone!) and I suspect I will have a more enjoyable experience with those. happy2

That said, your mileage may vary as you may want different things out of your Tama! If something more low maintenance and easy to find, and like the "vaporwave" aesthetic which is prominent on there - the Uni would work very well. I'll be keeping an eye on future shell releases and updates they put out and it's potentially one I could see myself buying again depending on price and features they add!
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