Undertale Virtual Pet - Virtual Pal Sans


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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2015
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U.A. High School
Author's Note: This is another idea of mine, but I will not be doing this, as I have previously said, I need permissions and the materials to create it. I hope you enjoy it anyway, plus there will be some missing things I might have left out, so if I find something I missed, I will edit this post to add it in.

​Ever wanted your own virtual skeleton? Now you can, with Virtual Pal Sans! He's your own friend that you decide how to treat him! However though, neglecting him will have some consequences, so be wise!

The Story

After a few weeks being sealed in the Underground, a brave skeleton by the name of Sans tries to find a way to the human world. He sees a bright light as if it's a way out. However, he ends up in a weird pod with a clear screen. He wants to get out, but then he starts feeling snug, as it's warm. You see Sans inside your unit. Do you have the determination to care for him? Make sure he gets what he needs, so he'll be your friend for a long time. Care always comes with responsibility, especially with a skeleton.

Setting up your unit

Unscrew the back of your pet with a screwdriver (Phillips head recommended). Insert a CR0302 battery in the slot. You will hear a long beep for a few seconds.

The screen will show the date and time, but you have to set it. Press the left bone button A to scroll, middle bone button B to confirm. After setting up your unit, a house will appear for a few minutes, indicating it's in "standby mode" until a few minutes have passed.

Welcoming your new friend

After a few minutes of waiting, your unit will play a section of "It's Raining Somewhere Else". After it's done, your new friend, Sans, will appear! He will interact with you depending on how you care for him.


Looks like Sans is hungry! Select the Fork and Knife icon to choose a hot dog for a meal, and a bottle of ketchup for a snack, no skeleton can resist! Use the middle bone button B to confirm your choice. Feeding him will help his Hunger.

Overfeeding him will cause him to get ill, so be careful.


Sometimes Sans gets tired. If you see him sitting down with some Zs floating off of his head, this means he wants to sleep. He will request to take naps every so often. Select the Moon icon to turn off the lights.


Morning: 8 AM - 10 AM

Afternoon: 12 AM - 5 PM

Night (Full sleep): 10 PM - 7 AM

If you wake him up (via the right bone button C and selecting yes), he will be angry and may not want to play with you. Let him sleep until he's ready to play.


If Sans looks sad, select the building blocks icon to play with him. You have three games to play with Sans.

Sans Says - Press the buttons or tap the left or right sides on the unit in a pattern. If you miss one or do it wrong, you lose. Warning: Sans may trick you. Watch out!

Gaster Getaway - Ride on a Gaster Blaster and avoid any obstacles until you get to the finish line. Use the left and middle bone buttons to dodge (left or right).

Skele-Slots - Press all three buttons and see if you can get three in a row! If you get three in a row, Sans will be overjoyed!


If Sans looks a little ill (indicated by a black ghost next to Sans), select the First Aid Kit icon to choose the medicine, depending on severity.

Pill: If Sans is a little sick (still is able to eat and play), this will cure him. (1-2 doses to cure)

Vaccination: If Sans seems to be really sick (indicating by not being able to eat), this will cure him a lot. (3-4 doses to cure, may lower happiness)

Ambulance: If Sans is very sick (unable to eat and play), select the Ambulance (a siren sound will play). The doctor will examine Sans and try to cure him. (Immediate cure)

If Sans is left sick for too long, he will die. If he's close to death, the icon will automatically put Sans in the ambulance. If the doctors can't save him, his health will slowly deplete.


To figure out what Sans needs, select the Sans face icon to check his stats.


Four skulls filled in means he's full. If empty, please feed him.


Four clovers filled in means he's very happy. If they are empty, play games with him to fill them back up and give him his favorite snack when possible.


When you take care of him correctly, his Determination fills up. Full determination makes a happy skeleton!

LOVE (Level of Violence)

If you neglect him, his LOVE goes up. If it's full, he will start acting naughty, such as not letting you see his stats, squirting ketchup at you, and falling asleep during any activities.


Select the dumbbell icon to teach Sans a trick, give him a time out or praise him. Here's some tricks he can learn. If he does it right, you reward him with a bottle of ketchup. If he does it wrong, keep trying! He'll do it eventually!

Blaster - Summons a Gaster Blaster and rides on it, hovering.

Bone - Summons some bones and makes them float.

Sleep - Sits down and closes his eyes. Zs float off into the distance.

Time Out

If Sans starts misbehaving (if his LOVE is up), this means you need to give him a time out. It lowers his LOVE by 2%, but also lowers happiness.


If Sans looks a little down (he'll do a crying animation), select this to praise him and make him feel better. It will increase his Determination by 5%.


If this icon lights up, Sans needs you. Check his status before caring for him. What would he need? Food? Care? You'll never know till you check his stats!

IR Connection

If you have another Virtual Pal Sans, you can connect them together! This affects each Sans's Determination on every connection. Maybe they'll even become friends!


If Sans is acting strange, or he becomes frozen in place, press the RESET button on the back of the unit. If that doesn't help, then change the batteries.

Low batteries

Only change the batteries if you see "LOW" on screen or your toy is acting erratically.

Unscrew the back and remove the old batteries and replace them with new ones.

WARNING: Resetting or replacing batteries will start your game all over again. Be careful!

Tips and Tricks:

- If Sans feels down even if you praised him, try playing with him a little bit.

- Sometimes Sans will just be a grump even if you do the required things. Let him calm down for a while and do not mess with him until he wants you to.

- If Sans comes up close to the screen and his eye starts glowing, this also indicates that he's in need of a time out.

- If the Game Over theme (titled "Determination" in Undertale itself) plays, this would also mean that Sans has either died or ran away after being neglected for so long.

- If Sans is happy enough, his face will cover the screen and he'll wink his right eye. This happens periodically if his Determination is full.

- Sometimes when drinking ketchup, he'll sometimes drink it like a baby bottle - how cute! This may happen if his Determination is half full or his Happiness has only two clovers filled.

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