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kuchipatchi love

Well-known member
May 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Zealand
Um, okay, well, I have heard that you can get the tama-battery as a gift on the V6, but how do you get it????

does that like make it work!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

if not then where did you read about a tama battery!?!?!?!?!?!?

the tama battery is a gift you get from the king and it's one time use only you only get it once though. p.s it comes randomly so don't worry

This is true, but you can also get the Tama Battery item from your parents, like mine did, also, i've gotten the item twice... but I did have to reset so that could be why.

when you use it the Battery turns into a little Tamagotchi that's a battery with little legs and he gives you a gift.

You get it as a present, and the battery will transform in to a battery tama ( Kandanetchi ) and give you a gift. It may be a rare item you can get on it, I got singer robots, but it's random.

It's best if you always have full meals and snacks. Without this technique, it took me over 23 weeks to get it. With it, it took less than 3 weeks. After a while, the king/parent will start giving CDs, and finally a tama-battery. It's a good item, but if, like me, you have all the instruments and toys, (except for wild guitar, dream mic and mega drums- it wont give you these) you will probably get another instrument that you have. I was hoping to get a destiny star but... oh well...

I think i am going of topic but can you send the dream mic to the tamagotchi oh and where can i find the super drums and the wild guitare

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