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Active member
Jul 21, 2007
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I am Christine_Daae! you can call me Christine, because it matches my real name.

I hope I am welcome here... :)



*ahem* (lol)

I'm so glad you joined tamatalk! you are totally welcomed here!

Just please follow the rules and everything will be alright!

Click here for rules

I'm here if you need help just pm me! ^,^

I'm so happy you joined!

Call me Eva'


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*giggles* thanks ^.^ How do you make that music note thing?

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okay, you know they keypad with all the numbers (not the numbers above the letters)

well you hold down the alt button and then press a number or a combination of numbers then you let go of the alt button

alt+13= ♪

alt+3= ♥

Hello and Welcome to tamatalk Christine.

Have fun. :mellow:

And enjoy your stay. :)

Also feel free to pm If you need any friends or help.


thanks, both of you!

like this? ♪♥♀☺↨♣♠.•Y•-♠ awesome :rolleyes:



()() )o

ooo Locky458, I like your avatar!

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[SIZE=12pt] Hi! Welcome to TamaTalk![/SIZE]

We're always glad when a new member joins so you're very welcome here!

Make sure you visit all the forums!

Here's a list of useful links:

If you're new: User's guide to TamaTalk

If you have a question: Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to talk about Tamagotchis: Seriously Tamagotchi

If you want to talk (but not about Tamagotchis): (Non) TamaTalk

If you're in the mood for a game: The Arcade

If you want to know what can and can't be said: Alternatives to swearing

If you want to read over the rules: Rules and Regulations

If you want to read over more rules: Rules and Regulations 2

If you wish to use your acting skills: Role Play Games

If you have a question or want to find something: TamaTalk Search Engine

Make sure you read the pinned topics at the top of the pages. These will tell you what can go into that topic or what can't.

I know it seems like alot but it's really easy to get used to here.

PM me if you need help or a friend!

Have fun on TamaTalk!


Hi, Christine! Don't worry, you're very welcome here; we love new members! I hope you have fun on this site, and feel free to PM me if you need help or a friend! :p

well, put this in every post to welcome someone! Boy, do you like to make others feel happy...=)

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