Ugliest tamas?


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Some characters like Oyajitchi are cute of how ugly they are, those too are just plain ugly and not charming in any way :p
Wow!!! I can't stand the second one too!!! It scares me so much!!! I think the first one exactly looks like many other "thousands" of new female bunny-like characters, but I don't think she's ugly :)


Some characters like Oyajitchi are cute of how ugly they are, those too are just plain ugly and not charming in any way :p
The Tamagotchi on the right isn't THAT ugly IMO.. :eek: Actually, he can be pretty cute! :lol:

EDIT: By the way, what's the name of that tama on the right? I've seen him before in the anime, but I don't really know his name.. :p

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Well, I used to dislike Monakatchi and Doyatchi because they creeped me out. But I saw Monakatchi with brown eyes and in that pic he looked adorable. (Either way with black eyes he looks like he has no eyes o_O) Doyatchi is a controversial character because he creeps people out with his smile (that looks evil to some people) but some other people (like my friend) like him. I started to get used to him. Now, he doesn't look as creepy as he used to, to me. I also kinda disliked Gotchimotchi for the same reason as Monakatchi, his eyes that look like they're non-existant. I admit to also being creeped out by Terupotchi back in the times I first got my yellow P's. On the TF's she looks just fine but on the P's she looks like she has no eyes either. Also her silhouette is ghost-like, to add to the creepyness. Recently I watched RaTamaZone's video on Dream Coffret pierce and I found myself creeped out by Benitchi because in the P's her eyes are completely black with white spots and that is one of the things that creep me out the most. I've read a topic on 'creepiest tamas' and I saw Uhyotchi (from v5) there. I agree he looks a bit creepy, with this ghost-like face. That's about all I have to say in this topic for now. Thanks for reading through this lol.

I don't care for all the girly characters on the newer tamas, but they're not ugly. They just look too much alike. The ugliest ones in my opinion are Gozarutchi and Bokutchi.

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