Yeah...what exactly is ROM testing? I've never heard of that.
From whatever I heard about R.o.m. Testing is connecting with an egg.
You people seem to be confused, no affence.
The persion who starrted this topic, he/she explaind this wrong. These tricks are a big roumer, because they may work- R.o.m. testing is also a way to get twins.
Here's the correct way to perform R.o.m:
*Plese note that this will only work for connections, connexions, ver.1 and ver.2
Two people are requierd to do this, or you can do this on you're own by holding all three buttons: A, B, and C
You need to get a pen or any other kind of object that can reach far enough to press the reset button.
Now hold down all of these buttons. That's right, the reset button, A, B, and C. If this were to come ous as a sucsess, the screen is blank.
It then will look like avolving. After three mins, you'll see a version number and the screen should say "ROM TEST" After the screen says "ROM OK", press the A button.
It should go onto a standby screen.
Connect with another tamagotchi, and don't worry if it makes a weird noise. You'll still hava a standby screen, whail the other tamagotchi is still connecting.
After that's done, get the r.o.m-ed tamagotchi and connect, once again. Another egg will appear once it sends a present.
Wait and see what happens
go to you're freind list and you'll see an egg