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Feb 9, 2009
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-shifty eyes- under your bed
Okay, lets call my friends B and C. You know how I dont like Twilight

C had started reading Twilight a week ago, and she is hooked on it. She is on page 60 I think. That was fine with me, I didn't have a problem. On Monday, B started to read it with her. Now, they are both hooked. They wont stop talking about it. B is even swooning over Edward. I told them that I didn't like Twilight for various reasons, and now they dont like me as much. I'm not innocent, I've been ignoring them a bit, but even when I talk to them, it's all about Twilight, and how it's so great, or how dumb I am for not liking it.

I really want my friends back! What can I do?

I wouldn't call it ruining your life, but I know what you mean - there are TONS of Twilight fans, and they are COMPLETELEH obsessed with it/Robert Pattinson. No offence to you Twilight fans :/

Anyway, have you even read it?

If you haven't, I would suggest reading it before criticising it, otherwise your facts may not be completely right! O_O

And that would not be good.

Okay, lets call my friends B and C. You know how I dont like Twilight
C had started reading Twilight a week ago, and she is hooked on it. She is on page 60 I think. That was fine with me, I didn't have a problem. On Monday, B started to read it with her. Now, they are both hooked. They wont stop talking about it. B is even swooning over Edward. I told them that I didn't like Twilight for various reasons, and now they dont like me as much. I'm not innocent, I've been ignoring them a bit, but even when I talk to them, it's all about Twilight, and how it's so great, or how dumb I am for not liking it.

I really want my friends back! What can I do?
You shouldn't have to be outcast because you refuse to follow your friends like a sheep. They're not real friends if they can't respect your opinion or the fact they're ignoring you to obsess and give attention to a fictional and flawed character in a book. If anyone is dumb, it's B and C. You'd probably be best off finding new friends if you don't want to sacrifice being who you are and having an individual thought.


ruining your LIFE sounds a bit like an exaggeration.

I think you should sit down and talk to these guys. tell them how you feel.

Hmm... how do I put this.....I HATE TWILIGHT. Its just a load of -insert minor swear word here-!!

My cousin is obsessed with it too! She used to be really nice, but now shes "edwardcullenedwardcullensrrynotime2talk2uimbusylikingedwardcullen"

One day, I will murder that Edward.

Tell them how you feel. Just ask them to tone it down a bit. Say you know they love Twilight, and with that link missing between you, you feel left out.

Or you could bring up a common interest you all have, like that cute guy in Algebra (nudge,nudge) or something on TV last night. This will help occupy their discussion and steer it away from Twilight.

Most likely, they will be over their obsession soon, so hang tight, and take some suggestions into consideration in the meantime.

Good Luck!


You can't do anything. They are known as obsessive fan girls. They will get over it sooner or later

I was obsessed with Twilight (Until I finished the series) I wasn't as obsessed as your friends, but yeah, I do think Edward is sexy, but I'm not in love with him. He's not even real!!!

Anyway to the point, try to talk about something that both you guys are interested. And remind them that all people have different opinions. ;]

Same with me. :rolleyes:

I haven't read it yet. My friend, let's call her R-She has a whole binder of stuff she drew from Twilight. She drew EVERYTHINg, and when I say that I mean EVERYTHING from Twilight. It drives me nuts, because she brings it into lunch. Everything is Twilight, even her room. ;)

I'm not really sure what to do. But atleast I'm not the only one.

Thanks for the advise. I just had a not so nice IM chat with B. She was so annoying, I blocked her.

PS, I dont want to get new friends. They are really special to me, but now it's all Twilight. I'll try the -avoid twilight- thing, but I dont know whether it'll work

I'll tell all tomorrow after school!

Blehh. I don't like Twilight at all. You can say I hate it with a passion. x____x;

It's alright. I know what you mean. My friends are the same.

My friend Jojo is like obsessed with it. I think she's read every book atleast 5 times.. and that's all she talks about... and Ever since she found out I disliked twilight we haven't been talking. u____u;

I think you'll just have to wait for it all to blow over. They'll get bored of it eventually. Try to bring up other topics. =]

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Today we were in reach, and like, Tyler was like," OMG Nikki's in the paper!" So everyone looks for Nikki and guess where she is...a Twilight convention!! She was wearing her Twilight shirt and like pale makeup. We were all cracking up, and Tyler asked Mrs.A if she could go show Nikki. So when we go to computer, I was like, "Nikki! You were in the paper! Lucky D=."

They'll come around. I was OBSESSIVE with Twilight about a year and half ago, maybe even going on two years ago. (BEFORE all of the obsessed fan clans. I wore my Twilight shirt that I got in like, July, the other day, and I got labeled as a Twilight obsessed freak. e.e)

There's nothing wrong with it - MOST people get that way about Twilight, and I was the same way. Eventually they'll come around. Just stick it out.

But if you've never even read it, how do you know that you don't like it? Give it a chance. x____o;; there anything else they talk about except Twilight? O_O Don't worry, somehow they'll get bored of it I guess. Tell them why you don't like Twilight and maybe tell them to not talk about Twilight with you? I don't seem to like Twilight either, but anyway try talking to them. :]

Okay, get ready for story time...

It was fine at break, they didn't even metion it once. But, at lunch, they went crazy over it, kissing the book, hugging it ect. They called me dumb again for not liking it, and I got so mad that I had to move tables. I tried to walk home with them but it was the same as lunch.

Oh, for the people who asked if I'd read i... Of course! I'm not prejudist (sp)

Lol. Good.

Well, fan girls all get over it soon. Why not try bringing up something you all like? They don't need to ruin your friendship just because of Twilight.

And I guess just accepting they like it will help too - it might take an edge away from the annoyingness.

Or, you could slap them and tell them that they need to grow up and get a life D:<

That may be a little harsh. And violent. Violence is not good.

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