Twilight printable bookmark


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FireCracker- read very careful that on top of instructed say that you can save as and print it for bookmark.

^ I think she already knew that. She just doesn't like Twilight, and thinks it's a fad created to make people money. :]
On that site it say :

If you would like to donate some please
and she need to read carefully on that site. It is not a fad.
^ Okay then. But I think she was just making a point. She can believe it is a fad if she wants.

But I'm not trying to start an argument here; just trying to make something clear.

I don't really have any say in Twilight; I've never read the books, although I plan to. :]

I didn't no dey were printable sorry *cry cry*

i saw sum twilight bookmarks being sold in coles

and yes i HATE twilight and it is a fad im getting sick hearing of ;l

lets not turn dis into a big fight kkk

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I didn't no dey were printable sorry *cry cry*
That is ok and and yeah at store pay wasted than printable ones more better to use it.

Oooooo. Bookymarks. Thanks for showing me :] Those r awesome, I'll print some.

That's cool~

Ooh, they're cool. :)

Thanks. :3
Thanks you everyone and yeah it is cool.

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