Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


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hmmn, my friend loves the series.

as do a lot of people in my school..

i don't care for it really.

all of the people in my school agree though..

that breaking dawn ruined the series.

i don't know

(don't intend on finding out either..)

I just finished the whole series. I'd have to say Breaking Dawn wasn't as horrible as everyone claimed.. I actually liked it. I'd have to say Twilight was the best one..


Breaking Dawn

New Moon.

I didn't like New Moon that much... No Edward, D; .
I still haven't gotten through Breaking Dawn. No time or patience to read lately x.x

I'd have to go with that same order, minus Breaking Dawn.

Twilight was good, Eclipse was amazing, and New Moon was just boring xP

my friend read the whole series, she was always obbessing over, she would spend an hour just talking about like "O MY GOSH, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT EDWARD...." (she ruined half the series for me by saying that, i wont tell you the last part of the sentence because i dont want 2 ruin it for you) if you already finished the series and want to know what the sentence is, PM me. im starting to read the book, im up to the part where she wakes up at five in the morning and screams "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I LIKE IT SO FAR, BUT EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT OPINIONS,so read it 4 yourself and see if you like it!!!!!!!

I loved Twilight. New Moon so far stinks. It is making me all mad, with Edward not there.

I can't edit that last post because it's so old, but I reread Twillight, and haven't changed my views on it:
What the... I can't believe... she uses the metaphor "liquid topaz eyes". I mean, how much cornier can you get? Physical features are so repetitively described, in fact, that I know more about Edward's "perfectly muscled chest" than his vampire fangs.

Let's review what we all know about vampires, shall we? Only come out at night. Sleep in coffins or tombs (or satin sheets, if you're an "Angel" fan). Hate holy water, crosses, and garlic. Stake through the heart. Fangs. You're with me, right? Well, Meyer's not. Meyer checked "none of the above" and wrote in her own answers! How cheeky of her! Her vamps are sparkly, fragrant, mind-reading, and my favorite- can run really, really, really fast. And despite the great number of times she references their "teeth," she never can seem to bring herself to say "fangs." It's as if she wanted the vampire mystique, but not, you know, the actual monster. But no fangs? Say it ain't so! Kinda takes the bite out of it all. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
i TOTALLY disagree!!!! first of all, its not against the law to change something, second, i like her new vampire, because the whole "garlic wards off vampires and the sleep in coffins" is just plain OLD!!!!!! third, if she would've used the original vampire, the whole story plot would be ruined. fourth,the saying "liquid topaz eyes" is not corny, its just new, what would've been corny is if she would've always been saying "i like your eyes, you have beautiful eyes" fifth, you didnt ACTULLY have to make a list!!! we already know all of that crap, so making a list was absolutey pointless, plus, you make a worldwide bestseller sound like a piece of crap that noone would wanna read, and sixth, if you dont like it, just say you dont like it, you dont have to rant, cause if you do, your going to get some pretty bad responses!!!!!

A rather hypocritical response, don't you think? People have their opinions. >_>
Ah, yes. He/she gets angry over Zip making a "list", whilst he/she does the same.

PS, photophobia is fawesome. Which Stephenie's vamps don't have.

Ah, yes. He/she gets angry over Zip making a "list", whilst he/she does the same.
PS, photophobia is fawesome. Which Stephenie's vamps don't have.
i am a she, and yes i admit, i did make a list, but i didnt reliaze that i was doing it until you said it!!!!! i think that it was really pointless on going on and making a list like that (zip's that is), sure u can complain you dont like it but ranting!!!!, and in the post i also said that you would get some bad responses for something like that, so YES i gave him a bad response to show that, so b4 you point out my every flaw (i know your type) i did get some bad responses for something like that, and know its getting all complicated and i will stop b4 you can point out anymore flaws!!!!! *grrrrs*

i am a she, and yes i admit, i did make a list, but i didnt reliaze that i was doing it until you said it!!!!! i think that it was really pointless on going on and making a list like that (zip's that is), sure u can complain you dont like it but ranting!!!!, and in the post i also said that you would get some bad responses for something like that, so YES i gave him a bad response to show that, so b4 you point out my every flaw (i know your type) i did get some bad responses for something like that, and know its getting all complicated and i will stop b4 you can point out anymore flaws!!!!! *grrrrs*
Aw, sorry D: No more anger, okay? :]

[SIZE=7pt]I totally didn't understand that. But I'll pretend to anyways.[/SIZE]
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i TOTALLY disagree!!!! first of all, its not against the law to change something, second, i like her new vampire, because the whole "garlic wards off vampires and the sleep in coffins" is just plain OLD!!!!!! third, if she would've used the original vampire, the whole story plot would be ruined. fourth,the saying "liquid topaz eyes" is not corny, its just new, what would've been corny is if she would've always been saying "i like your eyes, you have beautiful eyes" fifth, you didnt ACTULLY have to make a list!!! we already know all of that crap, so making a list was absolutey pointless,  plus, you make a worldwide bestseller sound like a piece of crap that noone would wanna read, and sixth, if you dont like it, just say you dont like it, you dont have to rant, cause if you do, your going to get some pretty bad responses!!!!!
This is Zip, just saying.

Okay, you don't have to go crazy over it. Jeez. o_o;

They're not vampires. They must be some sort of vampire sub-species to me; because they can live off Animal blood... doesn't make sense. I've read many vampire stories; a lot of vampires have been altered; not all are effected by garlic, some don't sleep in coffins, but all had the usual things: Can't walk in daylight, drinks human blood.

Not to be rude, but I can rant if I want. I don't see why you're throwing a little fit because I don't like your favorite book. It's like me screaming and kicking because someone has a different opinion than me on Harry Potter.

EDIT: I'M A FEMALE. Please don't call me a 'he'.

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This is Zip, just saying.
Okay, you don't have to go crazy over it. Jeez. o_o;

They're not vampires. They must be some sort of vampire sub-species to me; because they can live off Animal blood... doesn't make sense. I've read many vampire stories; a lot of vampires have been altered; not all are effected by garlic, some don't sleep in coffins, but all had the usual things: Can't walk in daylight, drinks human blood.

Not to be rude, but I can rant if I want. I don't see why you're throwing a little fit because I don't like your favorite book. It's like me screaming and kicking because someone has a different opinion than me on Harry Potter.

EDIT: I'M A FEMALE. Please don't call me a 'he'.
sorry, i relize, my mistake now, i just dont like ranting (even if i sounded like i was ranting i dont think i was)

i TOTALLY disagree!!!! first of all, it's not against the law to change something,; second, i like her new vampire, because the whole "garlic wards off vampires and they sleep in coffins" is just plain OLD!!!!!!(SPACE HERE PLZ)third, if she would've used the original vampire, the whole story plot would have been ruined. fourth,(SPACE HERE PLZ)the saying " liquid topaz eyes" is not corny, it's just new, what would've been corny is if she would've always been saying "i like your eyes, you have beautiful eyes"(PERIOD HERE PLZ) fifth, you didnt ACTULLY have to make a list!!! we already know all of that crap, so making a list was absolutey pointless,  plus, you make a worldwide bestseller sound like a piece of crap that no(SPACE HERE PLZ)one would wanna read, and sixth, if you dont like it, just say you dont like it, you dont have to rant, cause if you do, your going to get some pretty bad responses!!!!!
The worldwide seller was a piece of crap.

This, coming from an amateur writer.

Zip/Dictionary, she is right on it. The character creation in this story was the worst I have seen in a best seller in a terribly long time. I mean, honestly; Six, seven guys liked Bella as soon as she moved there, like she was a goddess.

I have never know anyone in my life, in schools I have moved to or people who have moved to my schools, who had that attention (Despite the fact it was a small school).

A good portion of The Cullen Clan have the equivalent to Vampire Superpowers (Reading minds, Super-Enhanced beauty, Ability to see the future, ect.) that allows them to prevail in most, if not all, situations; on the opposing team, everyone is a ten foot tall werewolf, despite a legend that specifically says that the Sons would be Werewolves, and last I checked, Leah is not a male. Also stated is the fact that Imprinting is rare, yet, a good portion of the Werewolves have experienced it as well.

Meyers contradicts herself, even.

As for the Garlic/sunlight ordeal, there are reasons for this. Vampire blood is altered blood, different then our own, which means it has different reactions to different things. Garlic, it affects our blood positively, and is super healthy for us. Opposite goes for Vampires.

As for the sun, holy water and sunlight, the sun is even harsh on us. Now, take us in a sickened form, like Rabies- Rabid animals and humans alike avoid all contact possible with sunlight and water- and multiply it a few times. You then have the sensitivity of Vampire Skin.

I really discredit this series to anyone who has not read it yet; pick up something intelligent, like something by Anne Rice, who writes about the real deal.

By the way, I really messed with your post. You might want to burn it or douse it in holy water before you type anything else; the least you can do is take a lesson from what I added in there.

Hint hint wink wink,

Bold is spelling/grammar errors,

Italics is things I disagree with

Cross-out is a sight I put in there to say, "Take this out now, for the love of God."

Liquid Topaz Eyes made it onto my list of some of the worst physical descriptions ever, along with the word six-pack.

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By the way, I really messed with your post. You might want to burn it or douse it in holy water before you type anything else; the least you can do is take a lesson from what I added in there.

Hint hint wink wink,

Bold is spelling/grammar errors,

Italics is things I disagree with

Cross-out is a sight I put in there to say, "Take this out now, for the love of God."
Editing her post seemed rude to me. Just my opinion though, you don't have to show off your SKILLZ on grammar or whatevz.




Somehow, I feel like running down to the library and getting myself the second book. I just finished a book I was reading for class, and I have nothing to do for my 2 week break. I liked the first book, it was great in my opinion.

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Editing her post seemed rude to me. Just my opinion though, you don't have to show off your SKILLZ on grammar or whatevz.
I know how you feel.


And truthfully, my own spelling and grammar can be pretty bad.

But at least I watch myself, and edit if its horrible.

People who make out posts like that, though she is in no way the worst, really get on my nerves.

People who cant spell out the word 'you', and have to put 'u', people who cant capitalize their sentences, put spaces after their periods, or make and i an I, I somewhat question their abilities and/or intelligence.

If I seemed rude/obnoxious with that, well, then so be it.

I could really care less.

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The worldwide seller was a piece of crap.

This, coming from an amateur writer.

Zip/Dictionary, she is right on it. The character creation in this story was the worst I have seen in a best seller in a terribly long time. I mean, honestly; Six, seven guys liked Bella as soon as she moved there, like she was a goddess.

I have never know anyone in my life, in schools I have moved to or people who have moved to my schools, who had that attention (Despite the fact it was a small school).

A good portion of The Cullen Clan have the equivalent to Vampire Superpowers (Reading minds, Super-Enhanced beauty, Ability to see the future, ect.) that allows them to prevail in most, if not all, situations; on the opposing team, everyone is a ten foot tall werewolf, despite a legend that specifically says that the Sons would be Werewolves, and last I checked, Leah is not a male. Also stated is the fact that Imprinting is rare, yet, a good portion of the Werewolves have experienced it as well.

Meyers contradicts herself, even.

As for the Garlic/sunlight ordeal, there are reasons for this. Vampire blood is altered blood, different then our own, which means it has different reactions to different things. Garlic, it affects our blood positively, and is super healthy for us. Opposite goes for Vampires.

As for the sun, holy water and sunlight, the sun is even harsh on us. Now, take us in a sickened form, like Rabies- Rabid animals and humans alike avoid all contact possible with sunlight and water- and multiply it a few times. You then have the sensitivity of Vampire Skin.

I really discredit this series to anyone who has not read it yet; pick up something intelligent, like something by Anne Rice, who writes about the real deal.

By the way, I really messed with your post. You might want to burn it or douse it in holy water before you type anything else; the least you can do is take a lesson from what I added in there.

Hint hint wink wink,

Bold is spelling/grammar errors,

Italics is things I disagree with

Cross-out is a sight I put in there to say, "Take this out now, for the love of God."

Liquid Topaz Eyes made it onto my list of some of the worst physical descriptions ever, along with the word six-pack.
i think that is was rude to mess with my post like that, this is a blog, not school!!!!!!!!!! do you do that to everyone? or just to blow me off?(blow=pi**) plus, im not going to dose myself in "holy water" because im not a christain, idiot!!!!

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kuchipatchithelover.. Calm down. If you have any common sense, you should know that calling somebody an idiot isn't going to give to an all-that-positive response toward you.

I thought Twilight was a good book. I read it in about two days.

Then I picked up New Moon and just about died. It took me weeks to read out of the mind numbing boredom. So I've decided to take a break and wait a while to read Eclipse.

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i think that is was rude to mess with my post like that, this is a blog, not school!!!!!!!!!! do you do that to everyone? or just to blow me off?(blow=pi**)  plus, im not going to dose myself in "holy water" because im not a christain, idiot!!!!
I didn't say douse yourself.

And I was kidding.

Why don't you pay attention to what I did to your post?

Sure, maybe this is not school, but you should treat it like so.

I mean, what if you get used to typing like that?

Sure, maybe editing your post was rude, but I could seriously care less.

I am not sorry.

Aha. Besides, right there in your post, you stated it is not against the law to change something.

And I'm hardly the idiot here, just because you don't like someones point of view/ Don't understand what their saying/ take something the wrong way, dose not make the person on the other end the idiot.

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