TV! V3


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2005
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I went to my shop one day and I saw a strange top hat thingy......Me and my brother (Tamaguy#1) both tryed to get enogh Gotchi Pionts and we made it!!!! I boght a TV its sooooooooo cool :eek: B) B) teehee what it does on mine, is some times it shows a memichi( :furawatchi: ) on the tv screen and it plants something if a your tama charecter pops out instead of a plant, your tama smirks!! :hitodetchi: :wacko: and there is a mamitchi :puroperatchi: thats builds w/ blocks if the bloks fall, your tama smirks. if they stay,,,,your tama jumps w/ happiness! and some more stuff it can do is talk w/ its best freind soooooo mine looks like this.... :kuribotchi: :chohimetchi: talkin' w/ its v3 buddy!!!!


That's SOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!! OMG, its in my shop rite now, i was about to ask what it was......yet, i only have like 2796 points, and it costs 5000, NOOOOOO!!!! :puroperatchi:

That's SOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!!! OMG, its in my shop rite now, i was about to ask what it was......yet, i only have like 2796 points, and it costs 5000, NOOOOOO!!!! :puroperatchi:
tAHTS ok you just win bump a few times bump or get orrrrr win flag!

Ill try to Becuase Im Good on the games on the v.3! :(
[SIZE=14pt]Coolness!! :p you will make it like I said Hacunamatata!!! :unsure: :( :) :D :D :) [/SIZE]


Tamagirl#1 :)

i have it, i brought it last week or so and then if you have a baby it watches it with the baby!!

i have it, i brought it last week or so and then if you have a baby it watches it with the baby!!
I know. Isn't it cute? :D I've watched my sis do it and it's SO COOL! I wish I had a TV... B)


-Tamaguy#1 :(

tAHTS ok you just win bump a few times bump or get orrrrr win flag!
YAY! i finally hav mor than 5000 points!!!1 :D but....wait....*checks store and gasps* they're not in stock anymore!!! :( *resets shops many times* NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG!!! its soooo cool!!!!!!! and adorable


Thank you for the really cool information! I just recently bought the T.V. and I was wondering what it does. Mine is only a teenager, so I haven't had the chance to use it yet. I thought it was a top hat, too. lol

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