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If you people think that superstitions are real, show us the proof, don't keep talking(rubbish).If its real, I'll believe you.But if you don't have proof, you can't convince non-believers easily.

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hey surfer girl, whered you hear this?
My Friends. And they never lie to me. anyway I saw most haunted and they were at hellon's manor (Bloody Mary's house) and they stared at the mirror in the gallery for a long time. I didnt pay attention to the mirror parts because I was playing games on my ipod nano. XD


Listen, just as I told you, bloody mary is fake! I got scared of it but it's balony. I'm sorry except this is just a fake superstition to get children worried...and I call those people..gangsters...ok I'm kidding...I'm just worried kids are going to get scared. 6 yr olds are on here! You don't want them booted off just for a single superstion do you? The less the members the more Tamatalk will be great....

um chibikiki? A stracch would wake up someone up. And I know where bloody mary lives! :p lol
how do you know? once, I was just WALKING around my grandma's house and when I sat down, I looked at the bottom of my foot, and It was bleeding like crap. OH NO! A GHHHOOOOOST KNNNIIFFEEEE cut me!


is so right bloody mary is fake...

i'm going to try it take a photo and see if it really does happen oh adn while i'm at school i'll take a photo of the ghost in the dunnny eh?


we're going over board...

we are going to end up scaring all the littler kids off this site...

and it's not funny anyways that post about me saying that things in the tiolet was my sister Aimee

We think pranks like this are set up.Let us explain :)

If your mate told you to go in the toilets and stand infround of a kubical,and look in the mirror,then say bloody mary 3 times,the friend could be in the kubical wearing a mask and another friend slaming the door shut! :)

Do not be afrade it is a prank set up by bullies.Try it it never works!

Thanks for reading!

This is Tom and Mark reporting for tamatalk.

My friend told me that her cousin said that if you switch the light off and shut the door so its completely dark and look in a mirror and say bloody mary 3 times into the mirror the mirror breaks. So i tried it and the mirror actually fell off the wall and smashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
lol not true, although my friend has tried it and it hasn't worked but he still believes. I don't wanna name names.


People please stop.

Your scaring younger people.

Oh and .............................. what I was going to say is too scary FOR GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People please stop.Your scaring younger people.

Oh and .............................. what I was going to say is too scary FOR GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:wub: psha right. I LIVE in scarier nigtmares than your story.

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EVERYONE!! I will never believe all of this. And trust me I read the whole topic. Every single post. It took a loooonnnngggg time.

If one of you comes up with REAL proof not some fake pictures, then and only then will I believe you. I do not believe in bloody mary or candyman or anything. I am a non-believer and only some very good proof will change my view.

^That's just my opionon!^


this is pure stupidity!

people we're having a conversation about a non existane thing made up by parents to scare children!

would you belive me if i said i was a witch?

no i'm sure you wouldn't so why do some of you belive in a thing that scratches your eyes out...IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!

little kids ignore this it's seriously not real.People you can try it my friends will stand behnind me with a camra tomorrow and i'll do it OK NTOHING WILL HAPPEN!

if i don't come online for a week you will know something has happened!

this is stupid can a guide please close this?

My friend told me that her cousin said that if you switch the light off and shut the door so its completely dark and look in a mirror and say bloody mary 3 times into the mirror the mirror breaks. So i tried it and the mirror actually fell off the wall and smashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:
Really? I heard that if you say bloody Mary 3 times on holoween in front of the miror, bloddy mary will apear and all these scary things happen. If you do the same thing with blue baby, a blue baby will come out of the miror and you have to rock it. If you let go or get scared, the baby will strangle you. I could tell the story if you'd like.

Oh yeah?

Do this!

Go to the bathroom at 1:00 in the morning, have a lot of candy and say CandyMan come kill me tonight and HE WILL KILL YOU!

I tried it and almost got myself killed!

I did that about 2 weeks ago. I almost got myself killed! I didnt believe my friends when they slept over and I did it! I locked the doors and everything. It did work but I unlocked everything when the ancient dead voice said Im gonna kill you and I ran out.


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