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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
I Know some of you must wonder about training. Well the main way to train your tama is to praise it and put it in time out. You can do this by selecting the pac man looking icon in the bottom left hand corner of your tama. Sometimes when your tama gives a bad present such as a snake, jack in the box, poop, or air you must put it in time out. Another way is when your tama is shaking and is about to use the bathroom, select the toilet icon before they poop. That way you put them on the toilet. Thus training the tama. Put them in time out when they call for you by beeping but nothing is wrong.


After you give another tama something, and your tama is laughing, QUICKLY put it in Time Out. It will get a Trainig Bubble.

But you have to do it QUICKLY WHEN it is laughing.

what?!! i didnt know i could put jun on the toilet?!! and just took a dump on the ground right now too! he's defenitely getting a butt wooping!! :)

my tamagotchi has never given presents out of the blue hoenstly, so i really dont know what you're talking about for what you said at the beginning of the paragragh.. :rolleyes:

Oh Thx! That was really tama has 5 trainer points already


Your tama haves to GIVE/SEND a present to snother tama and if it guves poop and it looks like it is laughing, quickly give it a time out.

And maybe if you give the exact food your tama hates, it will get a bubble! But I do not think so.

This is something I have posted elsewhere, but you may find useful:

When your tama beeps and the attention light is on (the icon on the bottom of the screen farthest to the right) and it hasn't come on because the happy and/or hungry hearts are EMPTY....

1) if the tama is crying or in a bad mood with its back to you -> PRAISE IT


2) if the tama looks like it normally does and doesn't have ALLl its happy and hungry hearts gone -> PUNISH IT. This will lower your happy meter by 1 heart quite often - so i always fill up the happy and hungry hearts first, then punish, then check the happy hearts.

Doing this will ALWAYS increase your training bars.

Punishing a tama for refusing food or refusing to play a game will not increase the training bars.

NOTE: Managing to get a tama on the toilet will NOT increase the training bars, but it will fill a happpy heart <_<

Giving your tama its fave food will fill its happy hearts, but not increase training either.


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Ok, one last time I will explain the laughing thing.

If your tama sends a bad present to another tama, and your tama is laughing or standing at the bottom of the screen, QUICKLY punish it. If you punished it while it was laughing, your tama gets a training bubble. If you punished it too late, it will not get a training bubble. I did it before.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never catch my tama in time to put it on the tolit! :p

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