Well-known member
Oh yeah, did you guys hear there's a Total drama action?
Mhm.Oh yeah, did you guys hear there's a Total drama action?
More Noah Fans! <3Mhm.
And by the way, I don't care if Noah's nerdy, I still <3 him.![]()
And what is wrong with that?and he kissed a guy!!!
Him kissing a guy just adds to the title: Drama..And what is wrong with that?
But anyways, Noah is awesome.
Neither r Katie, sadie, eva, ezikiel, or cody...Noah and Tyler aren't returning for Total Drama Action. :mimitchi:
y dunt u lern 2 spek?Ok, that's it! Here's the truth about Noah!
He looks cute, so im a fan!!
But he still thinks he's all that, and that's wat i h8t about him!!!!!
Y AM I SOOOOO WEIRD LIKE THAT!?!?!?! :furawatchi:![]()
(Noah: Im still smarter than u!!)
(Me: shut up!)
Wow, I was going to say the same thing!More Noah Fans! <3
Noah was awesome in the speical, He ran around in his underwear (Thanks to Duncan), every fangirl's dream! <3
Wat do u mean by that?y dunt u lern 2 spek?
..honestly. Learn to speak.
I mean, dont use chatspeak >_>Wat do u mean by that?![]()
*edited*Katie+Sadie=My favs.
I missed them so much. T_T
I loved how they were such great friends and never let eachother down. I would do the same, but everyone fears me. T__T
Really? I rarely watch that show, so I wouldn't know. xDI saw Sadie kicked off for hurting Courtney...I knew Courtney voted her off, and Duncan was starting to really fall for Courtney, so he probaily voted with her..Others I dont know....
And Justin sounds more like Wade from 6teen. have to wonder what Noah was dreaming about! xDI lol'd at the big final episode. Total Drama Drama Drama Island. I watched it on YT despite being from America xD The finale is tomorrow.
I ♥ Noah xP I lol'd when he kissed poor Cody. They both freaked out, which made it funnier.
I hate Courtney x.x She scares me big time. Freakin pyschopath. Also I hate Justin, Blegh yucky. Kinda liked Eva ;D
...Andwat does that mean? Sorry, i sound clueless......I mean, dont use chatspeak >_>
Aerostella: Cody was awesome <3 And I loved how Justin spoke! But he's a jerk >_>
Harold was like Dr.Phil! "Its either your parents are divorced, or you were really fat and pimply" XD lol