Tips on Where NOT to take your tama!


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If you take your tama to school like me, you might want to watch it at all times. (no I don't mean play with it, I mean make sure you keep track of it.) My pink V4 has gone through alot because of school.I have lost it (but found it), broke off the little ball at the top and the keychain, dropped it on concrete multiple times,got it wet, and got glue all over it. Belive it or not, my pink V4 still works. :D

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wow :D

i lost a v3 on the way to school but it was found :( :D

i also lost my new v6 it was a rock city and i can't find it :(

i then bought a new one and my little brother one :D

Don't tie your tama to a string and swing it around. :mametchi:

(My lil bro did that, it hit the wall hard, and the screen turned half black)

Oh, and don't take your tama outside when it's snowing. It would get wet if you could drop it in the snow.

(My friend did that, and it was damaged)

I'll post more when I think of some. :mametchi:

Umm.... here's one. (Grrr.)

A few summers ago (I think it was my V1 and V2 summer, no other versions, well summer of 2004 or 2005 or something; WHATEVER) me and my sisters were going through a sort of "Tamagotchi Craze." Well, um.... we were playing with boxes in the backyard, and it started to get dark. I do not know WHAT IN THE WORLD possessed me to bring my V1 outside and play with it, but I did. Then it started to get REALLY dark, and it was around 7 - 8 PM or whatever. Well, anyway, my family has this wooden Muskoka chair-and-table set, and I left my Tamagotchi on the table in between the two chairs. I WASN'T, however, bargaining on the fact that I would leave it there, forget where it was, and then have my Mom water the garden. o_O Well, she used the sprinkler, and I guess it was the wide setting or somethin', because even though it was far away, MY TAMAGOTCHI GOT WET. Soo, I panicked, and opened the back and all that fluff, and a little while later it was back to normal. But --- OMG!!!!! --- that was scary.

Translation: In summer-time, NEVER play in the backyard all day, bring your Tamagotchi outside when it gets dark, leave it somewhere, forget where it is, and let your Mother water the garden after you realize that it's gone.

wow thanks for the info ;) because when i am in a car there is a chance i may throw up :p

I find it weird how people can get motion sickness from reading in the car. I get motion sickness if I DON'T read in the car! I left my tama out in the sun once and the case melted. My brother dropped his tama in the bath once and ruined it.

So yea, don't take your tama in the bath!

i left my tama out in the sun once the screen was all black.......but after a while of cooling down it went back to normal.......i guess i was lucky :)

Never take your tamagotchi to a family reunion party, especially if you have three young, violent male cousins that like to destroy your things. I made that mistake with my mothra - They threw it down the stairs, used it like a hockey puck on rough cement and then threw it into the compost heap. I spent two hours digging for it. Still works though (but I had to open it and clean all the individual components, and repair the case with caulk and varnish).

Seriously though - Family reunions and tamagotchi do not mix!

Never take your tamagotchi to a family reunion party, especially if you have three young, violent male cousins that like to destroy your things. I made that mistake with my mothra - They threw it down the stairs, used it like a hockey puck on rough cement and then threw it into the compost heap. I spent two hours digging for it. Still works though (but I had to open it and clean all the individual components, and repair the case with caulk and varnish).
Seriously though - Family reunions and tamagotchi do not mix!
lol i feel bad for u...but thts just mean :p i mean thts.....mean idk wht else to say...

I always get motion sickness in the car, so I can't read, draw, write, play with my tama, etc. Except if I take this stuff called Dramamine. (it prevents motion sickness). :eek: lol 

Anyways, good ideas, Mametchi 4ever! Although I would still take it in a restaraunt. But thats just me :D



KPL :)
LOL I get motion sickness on vitrually all kinds of transport:cars,taxis,buses(they just keep vibrating)...I can't do anything either...and most unfortunately,Dramamine is not available in my country,so yeah,I'll just have to deal with it...

Anyways,thanks for the reminders!I'll never forget to not bring it to the movie theaters.

uuuhhhh...i only get motion sickniss in the airplane.

i usally NEVER get sick in the car. but when i know im flying im like this:

Wake up: a little woozy, but ok

Go: so lala

drive: sick

airport: sick

check in: sick

Gate: sick

enter plane: sick

flying: throw up

landing: throw up

getting out: throw up

waiting for next plane: throw up

getting into next plane: sick

flying: throw up

landing: throw up

getting luggage: throw up

waiting for shuttle to hotel: throw up

in shuttle: sick

in hotel: sick, but a tiny bit better

in room: sick, but another tiny bit better

in bed: sick, but a bit better

next day: couldnt be better!!! :angry: :( :angry: :angry: :angry:

did i mention i dont eat ANYTHING from wake up to next day??!!?? well i dont eat anything, i only drink... water, that is.

oh, and the silliest and dumbest place i EVER took my tama was in the car about 6:45 am. i was 10 and it was dark, my dad was driving me to school, a great school called Nelson mandela School and i had my tama on and then i lost it... i week later i found it again... way UNDER my seat... it was dead... sorry about that Pie (that was my tama)!!!

sorry i wrote SO much about sick and throwing up... but i just HAD to write it down!!!

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School is 100% no no. Most tamas which go in rarely come out again.

The Beatles

Paul McCartney- Bass guitar

John Lennon- Rhythm guitar

George Harrison- Lead Guitar

Ringo Starr- Drums I love Tamagotchi!

Thx for the guide but although I would also recommend not to take it anywhere where it is too crowded because you might bump into people and cant find it anymore

Thanks for the guide, I just read through this topic and its kinda depressing XD

Thanks a LOT for the info! I'll be sure NEVER to take any of my tamas anywhere hot.... I didn't know they burned up.... Once I dropped my v3 on the stairs at a train station, and then some guy stepped on it! It stillworked, but nowadays I don't use that one, since it's very slow, doesn't have a battery, and one of the buttons is slightly ripped. Yes, ripped. I don't know how it happened.

Hey what about in class (you will get caught) un less you have used one of the may techniques that people have posted here to hide it.

Thanks for the tips!

I am fairly sure that Bandai also put some temperatures to not expose your Tamagotchis to in the instruction manual.


I droped my tamagotchi v2 down my grandma's drain outside her house.2 days later i got it out. it lasted for about 10 seconds,then died(turned off).




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