tinkeepie's log


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Happy Labor day! Guess who evolved? Parker, Marx, and my familitchi. Sadly, Parker and Marx both evolved into a really bad care character :angry: . I really don't know what happened, I guess I just lost track of time. Well, Parker evolved into a Tarakotchi, and Marx evolved into a Gozarutchi.





Well anyway, my familitchi is now a lovezukintchi, Hatugatchi, and potetchi.


For some reason, I find potetchi just adorable! I don't know why, but she kinda looks like a huge noketchi!

Right now Chili is brushing his teeth. Soon he will be able to marry, so I hope he gets uravioletchi! He may marry tomorrow, or the day after. Speaking of marriage, Sugar is 5 years old, and still hasn't married yet. Oh well :( . Well, that's all that really happened today. I'll post again tomorrow!

PAGE 2!!!

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Hi everyone! Guess who got married? Sugar! And I guess you're wondering who she got married to? Nonopotchi! I'll let the two lovebirds say hi.


Sugar's husband, Davis: light green

Sugar: Hi everyone! As you all know, I just got married!

Davis: Yep, and I'm the groom.

Me: maybe some time I'll let you guys run the log.

Sugar: oh really? Woo hoo!!!

Davis: Sweet!

Anyway, as you all know, Marx and Parker have been fighting over Mia. Mia told me she would date the boys to get to know them better, and then choose. So, here's how their dates have gone.

Mia: Amber

Date #1: Mia and Marx

Mia: hey Marx.

Marx: Mia, you look great! You turned into a violetchi!


Waiter:here are your meals

Mia: thank you. *Starts eating soup*

Marx: so, what do you want to talk about?

Mia: I just want to get to know you better.

Marx: Okay.

Mia: what kind of music do you listen to?

Marx: I like Pop. I even have my own pop band!

Mia: pop band?

Marx: Yeah! It's called New Moon. I do it with Kuromametchi and memetchi. What about you?

Mia: I like R&B.

Marx: oh, well what kind of shows do you watch?

Mia: I watch Tamagotchi's got talent.

Marx: I love that show! What's your favorite act?

Mia: Defiantly the tama dance group.

To be continued...........

Well, I'll tell you about Mia's date with Parker tomorrow.

Here are some pics I took


Sugar eating churro


Chili going fishing


Looks like he got something!




Lovezukintchi getting a hole-in-one with her dad

I guess that's it for today.

Today is the day! Guess who Mia picked? The answer to come tomorrow! I will tell you how Parker's date went.

Place: sitting on a balcony listening to the crickets chirp and watching the sunset

Mia: It's a little chilly out here.

Parker: want my coat?

Mia: Thanks.

*Awkward silence*


Parker: Sooooooooo

Mia and Parker: *Laughs*

Mia: wow that was really awkward :eek:

Parker: I know.....Can I tell you the time I fell off my chair in class?


Parker: The teacher said she was about to announce some thing important, so I was so exited I FELL off my chair!

Mia: Haha that reminds me when I burped in the middle of class!

Parker and Mia:*Laughs*

Well, that's it for their date. Anyway, Sugar and Chili got married! Sugar married Nonopotchi, and Chili married Tsukkomitchi. Sugar didn't have her baby, yet, but Chili's fiance did-a baby girl!


Sugar and her husband, Marco


Chili and his baby girl

Guess who else got married? The tama family! I chose potetchi, and she married what looked like a clock. They evolved into a Mamapatchi, and Papamametchi. They had 3 eggs-girl,boy,boy. Soon they evolved into a sakuratchi, mousetchi, and mattaritchi.


The tama family

Here's a random pic of Marx in his cat outfit


Well, that about covers it for today.

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Sorry this entry is so short, I got stacked with home work. Anyway, Sugar and Marco left their baby! I named her Bethany, and soon she evolved into a belltchi. I'll let her talk.

Bethany: yellow

Bethany: Hello! It's almost my bedtime, but mommy said I could stay up to do the log.

Me: you need to go to bed at 8:30. Got it?

Bethany: fine, but I want a snack.

Me: no snacks or you'll stay up late.


Me: NO snacks


Well, that's it. Sorry this log is so short.

Sorry I didn't tell you who Mia picked yesterday. Of, course, she married right AFTER I posted. Now, this is what you've all been waiting for! But, first one important announcement: I've decided 5 tamagotchi's in 1 log is too much, so I'm taking Chili off the log. Anyway, let's get on with the marriage. I'm going to let Mia tell you guys.

Mia: Okay, I've made my decision. I'm marrying-

Parker: pick me!

Marx: no, pick me!

Mia: BOYS please come down.

Parker and Marx: fine.

Mia: Okay, I'm marrying Parker!!


Marx:*Sticks tongue out*

Well, you heard it folks. They married yesterday night, but then for some reason left this morning, which I wasn't expecting. I guess it was just a glitch. Here was a picture of Parker and His son before Parker left.


I miss Parker already. I remember when he was watching alphabet soup with Mia and Marx. When Parker left, little Maverick soon evolved into a kuchitamatchi.



Now onto Marx: he got his pro debut! I'm so proud!

I caught him taking his shower


Well, I'm almost finished, but I still have 2 more important announcements: the tama family and Bethany evolved! It's weird, I almost typed Sugar instead of Bethany. I MISS YOU SUGAR! Well, Bethany evolved into shelltchi, and the tama family evolved into Mamekatchi,chamametchi, and korokotchi. Here's some pics!


Bethany brushing her teeth


The tama family

I also forgot to mention; Bethany is my 10 GENERATION! This is the 1st time I ever got 10th gen! Yay me!

Well, I think I've covered everything. I'll try to do logs more often, maybe 2 logs a day tomorrow.

Bethany: Hi peeps! I evolved into a chamametchi!!!

Me: Oh I'm so proud of you, Bethany!


Yes, it is true, Bethany evolved! Guess who else evolved? Maverick! He evolved into a Nonopotchi.


Soon after his evolution, he formed his own band. It's called Poplyfe. It has Chamametchi and Ichigotchi in it.


Maverick performing with his band

If you noticed, Maverick got the Mega drum set.

Anyway, Bethany got tired of her old house, so she remodeled her house.


At the remodeling store


New house

I'll let my tamas talk.

Maverick: wow, I evolved! And I formed my own band! We're going to get a pro debut and make the big times!

Bethany: sure, Elvis Presley.

Maverick: You're just jealous because you can't form a band.

Bethany: Well at least I'm a good care, and your a bad one!

Me: Hey, Bethany. Don't be rude.


Talk to you later!

Hey everyone! Not much has happened today, so I'm just going to let my tamas talk.

The tama family: light blue

Tama family member #3: I evolved into a hatugatchi!

Tama family member #1: And I evolved into a lovezukintchi!

Maverick: Everyone is evolving into adults, BUT me.

Me: It's okay, Maverick. You should be evolving anytime soon.

Maverick: okay.

Bethany: And I am getting married soon! I hope it's a kuromametchi!

Marx: Oh, man. Parker's kid is almost an adult, and I'm not even married yet!

Maverick: Oh, cheer up, uncle Marx. I bet tomorrow you'll get married.

Well, everyone is just watching TV now. Heres some pics.


Maverick listening to his stereo


Bethany getting a burrito at sebirtchi's shop


The tama family

Hey everyone! Guess who got married?

Marx: me! And I also evolved into an oldie :( .

Tama family member #2: Sorry to hear that.

Me: But on the bright side, you did get married to Makiko.

Marx: Yeah, and we had a boy. I don't know what I'm gonna name him yet.

Heres a pic of the family


Marx, his wife, Andrea, and his baby

Another thing that happened is MAVERICK EVOLVED!!! He was an androitchi!

Maverick: I still don't understand why I have feelings even though I am a robot.

Marx: I like robots. They're cool.

Maverick: thanks.


Maverick playing the drums

Well, that's all it for this log.

Thanks for 350 views!!

Hey peoples! NOTHING has happened recently, except Marx got his 1st ranking award.

Marx: yay!

Sadly, he is leaving tomorrow :( I don't know what I'm gonna name his boy yet. You got any ideas, Marx?

Marx: Uh, OH I KNOW!!!

Me: what is it?


Me: WHAT!?!?!?!



Marx: tell you what?

Me: The brilliant idea you had!!!

Marx: Oh, right, it's Trey!

Me: Trey?

Marx: Yea, you know, from the book, Among the Brave, right?

Me: Okay........

Marx: great name, right?

Well I guess that's it for tonight.

Guess what? Marx finally left his little boy! I named him Trey.



Anyway, my familitchi married! I chose Hatugatchi, and he married what I'm guessing is kuchipatchi's sister. They laid 3 eggs. It was girl,girl,boy. Soon, they evolved into toddlers.


Moving on, the date place was open, but I TOTALLY blew it. I rejected too many times and got an oldie. So, now I have to wait until tomorrow for Bethany to marry.

Bethany: I don't want to marry an oldie.

Me: It's fine,you won't.


More pics


Bethany brushing her teeth


Marx wearing a hat before he left :(


Maverick wearing his jeans

I'll let all my guys talk before I go

Maverick: I'm so exited!

Bethany: why?

Maverick: Because tomorrow I might marry!

Bethany: Yay, woo hoo.

Maverick: Are you using sarcasm?


Maverick:Aw, is some one sad they have to marry an oldie?

Bethany: Shut your mouth, Mavvy.

Maverick:Hey, you know I don't like that name.


Maverick: So, you shouldn't use that name.

Bethany: I don't care.

Me: Hey, guys. Be nice, are you're not aloud to watch the tamagotchi's got talent finale tonight.

Maverick and Bethany: *Be's quiet*

Well, that's all for tonight, guys.

Hi everybody! SO sorry I didn't post last night! I'll tell you what you missed.

Tamagotchi V6 {Trey}

He evolved into kikitchi!! Teen already???The days passed so fast. He also formed his own band, with all of the boy teens. It's called bad boys. I think I already did that name, but I was running out of ideas.

Tamagotchi V6 {Maverick}

Nothing really happened. He should marry tomorrow!

Tamagotchi family

They are now teens. They're an ichigotchi, chamametchi, and bakutchi{wow, never got that one before}.


She married Nokotchi! Just like her mother! I didn't intend to have her, but I got him twice in a row, and didn't want her to marry an oldie. They are going to have their baby tomorrow. I don't really care if it's a boy or girl, anything's fine.

Sorry, guys, no pics. My camera isn't working for some reason.


4:00- I wake them all up when I get back from school and done with homework

4:00- tamagotchi family evolve

6:00- Trey forms his band

7:30- Maverick and Trey take their shower

7:00- Bethany and her husband, James, brush their teeth

7:45- Bethany and her husband take a shower

8:00- Bethany and her husband go to sleep

8:00- the tama family brushes their teeth

Now, I'll let them talk.

Trey: red

Trey: Yes! I've finally formed my very own band!!

Bethany: your very exited to have your own band, just like your father.

Trey: what do you mean?

Bethany: your dad really liked his band. That's why he went far with his band.

Trey: Then what happened?

Bethany: I'm not telling your dad's story.

Trey: Oh, please?

Me: Bethany tell him his dad's story.

Bethany: fine. He had a great career with his band, until-

Trey: until what? What? What happened?

Bethany: Until he had you.

Trey: but, I don't get it.

Bethany: He had to take care of you.

Trey: Yea, but he left because he wanted me to be free and independent. Can't he just finish his career now?

Bethany: well, he's all old. He's in a retirement home.

Trey: oh.

And that was Trey's father's life story.


Hey guys I'm sorry 2 say but I've decided 2 shut down the log. It's just really hard keeping up with school work and my log. Hope u guys understand.

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