Times for the postman! (Version 4)


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Plus I think I've just found out that every hour (4:00, 5:00 etc) you get a fortune cookie and every hour (4:30, 5:30 etc) you get a letter. I'm not sure about the important letters though....I got one at 6:59pm and 10:29pm???

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No one's a bafoon, tosakatchi. :huh:  

My Tama always gets a fourtune cookie a few minutes after it wakes up.


-Tamaguy#1 ;)
im sorry about that.

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the life points depend on what job you get, e.g for a job at school, you need ? intelligence points. Does that answer your question, kev?


Angelgotchi freak, you can post that somewhere else!!! :(

~Tamasweet ;)

I think I'll make the chart again.

Depending on what stage of life your tamagotchi is at, this is the best i can do:

Fortune cookie(star):7:59am, 8:59am, 9:59am, 10:59am, 11:59am, 12:59pm, 1:59pm, 2:59pm, 3:59pm, 4:59pm and 5:59pm.

Envelope/King/Burgaler:8:29am, 9:29am, 10:29am, 11:29am, 12:29pm, 1:29pm, 2:29pm, 3:29pm, 4:29pm, 5:29pm and 6:29pm.

Important letters:6:59pm

Any comments, feel free to post them! :D

Then if u need a question answering, i'll help, smitchalias! I'm what ,my sisters and m8s call me, an expert

It's all right. I like experimenting new things on tamagotchi's coz maybe one day, I'll work for Bandai

:wacko: sometimes i set my time to 12:59 but so far its only given me fortunes B) (i want one of these tamagotchi characters)
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I'm not really sure if there is a time for the letters and (!). I think that might just be random depending on who and what age your tama is. :)

Sorry I couldn't make a chart, it was too hard (i'm new!): any offers? :D
Here are the times I know so far for the postman:

Fortune Cookie: 12:59pm and 3:59pm

Envelope/Burgaler/King: 6:29pm

Important Letters(!): 6:59pm

If any of you lot out there know anymore then post them here! :eek:

:p :huh: :huh: I thought the fortune cookie was at 2:30 :angry: :angry:

I've made a new chart, hot tamagirl. It's at the top of page 2.I'm sure there is times for letters, Dogtchi235.

Are you sure it was at 11:19am, RubezinaRox? I'll try it on my tamagotchi...Well it don't work on mine, try it a gain on yours.

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