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"Of course. Medicine cats get it easy. All you guys do is collect fancy leaves and sort them and do other stuff with them." He snorted. "I have no idea how some cats can live like that." Skypaw walked over to the prey pile, and got himself a mice to munch on.

"It's a lot more work than just picking leaves, I'll say that much," Silverpaw said with a laugh and followed him to the prey pile as she was beginning to feel hungry herself. She picked out a good sized mouse and dragged it over where the male was eating. Silverpaw knew he would probably protest her presence but she didn't care. She liked his company.

Skypaw began to bite into his mouse, and was displeased when Silverpaw sat down next to him. Didn't she have better things to do than bother him? "Why don't you go eat your meal with the other foxbrained apprentices? Why do you need to sit next to me, of all the cats in this stupid clan? Only reason I bother staying here is because I get training and food and all that good dung." He took another large bit of the mouse, crunching down on it.

Moonstar smelled the freshkill in pile and decided to something to eat...

Moonstar smelled the freshkill in pile and decided to something to eat...

Moonstar smelled the freshkill in pile and decided to something to eat...

Moonstar smelled the freshkill in pile and decided to something to eat...

Moonstar smelled the freshkill in pile and decided to something to eat...

OOC: she didn't mean for that to happen ^

Silverpaw chuckled contentedly while she ate. "I just like your company." She smirked as she swallowed her last mouthful. "You're lucky you have at least ONE person who actually likes to be near you, you know." Silver was sure his response would likely be something along the lines of 'I don't care' but deep down she just knew he knew she was right.

(That happens to me a lot too, it sucks when you think you didn't post so you hit the button, only to find you triple posted. I wish Tamatalk had an option that allowed you to delete your own posts... -__- )

Skypaw took another bite, and chewed before continuing, "But does it matter? What's the point of getting close to others? Maybe it helps you to feel joyful, but aren't there other ways to achieve happiness? And why exactly do cats need emotion, for that matter? They're pointless, and only slow you down."

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Silverpaw! Silverpaw! we need some more catmint Silverpaw called softpaw we just happen to be low on catmint so you can spend the rest of the afternoon looking for some.

Silverpaw shuddered. She hated looking for that stuff. It was so hard to find and needed to be handled carefully for it was delicate. She looked to the male sitting beside her and chuckled. "If you say so," she replied sweetly and grinned after swallowing her last mouthful of lunch. "I suppose you wouldn't want to help me find this God forsaken herb now would you?" Silver joked to the male, already knowing what the answer would be.

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I have other matters to attend to softfur replied now run along she mewed. Soft paw entered the medicine den all her herbs were lined up neatly, oh she loved this place. She had no patients for the time being which was a good thing.

Skypaw was about to say heck no, when his mentor walked by and then meowed, "Go with her, Skypaw, or else you'll be picking ticks from the elders later instead of going out battle training." Looking ticked, Skypaw grudgingly said to Silverpaw, "Fine, I'll come with you." Crunching down what remained of his mouse, he got up, and fixed her with a glare.

Moonstar smelled the faint smell of mouse ahead. Prey had been scarce this leafbare and she needed to provide food for her clan . Moonstar stalked her prey around a tree and killed it with a swift bite to the neck. She picked up it's limp body, satisfaction showing on her muzzle, and trotted at an easy pace back to her clan. Moonstar deposited the prey in the fresh-kill pile and just at that moment Brightheat ran into her. ''Moonstar! we smelled foxes on our patrol and there are too many for just us two! We need help!" Fear and desperation showed on her face. ''Then there's no time to lose! My finest warriors come with me! Come on Silverpaw and Sunpaw!" Moonstar then darted out of the camp.

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An O of surprise circled Silver's muzzle. She didn't know their leader considered her to be a warrior at all, much less one of their finest. Her first thought was that Moonstar might have wanted a medicine cat to tag along just in case there were inguries that needed treatment. But why would she, an apprentice, get chosen over her mentor? Confusion and flattery overtaking Silverpaw, she slowly gathered her herbs and supplies before dashing off into the forest.

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hearing the crys of battle softfur prepared beds of moss in case anyone got hurt. The she decided to take a nap until the battle was over.

Moonstar raced through the forest ,adreneline rushing through her veins. Her warriors raced behind her with cofidence."Careful,I smell the scent of fox ahead"Moonstar hissed behind her.

She crept forward with growing anticapation. Five foxes lurked ahead. The small group of warriors stared through the bracken. Moonstar signaled to her warriors with a flick of her tail. The foxes had their backs to them. The warriors sprung onto th foxes viciously.

Moonstar circled around the foxes with a hungry gleam in her eyes. The foxes slowly turned toward the group of warriors. With a flick of her tail she darted forward and grabbed one of the foxes by it's neck, slashing it with her claws. Blood was gushing out of the foxes wound but that didn't stop moonstar from launching another attack. This time she went in for the kill...ripping the foxes throat from it's body. The fox shuddered twice then it lay limp.....forever

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