This isnt fair! (Not what you think...)


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Since I am to lazy I will copy/paste from my bloggy.

I was in Kickball awaiting to get it over with (The team thing, gug) When I looked around the area. Megan (Jerk who I dont like anymore, 1 of 2 girls ><) startes yelling at me to turn around, when I dont I ask her "Why should I? Im allowed to look around!" (I dont remember what I said) She starts yelling in my face about how Im a retard, how I like this boy named Jason (We are in the friend category, I dont like him like that, We get along some of the way) And accidently spits, I ask her to please not spit in my face- And you guessed it! She spit in my face ON PURPOSE, I pushed her and she hit me. I told the Coach, he aint do nothin but seperate us. I was going to tell the Dean, but I was in the Nurse's office half the day (I hurt my ankle, I fell and my foot twisted, leading to a bad Ankle. I had to hobble, everyone laughed at me, Big whoop) Then my dad picked me up from school.

I know I might get a refferal when I tell the dean, but do you think this is the lest bit fair?

And since she is popular, no one sticks up for me! I hate her! She is in my home room as well!

Wow thats sad... I hate school too! I think you're being bullied :(


even if you do get a reveral it would be for the right reason, so don't worry about that,

The same thing happenes to me...I have this freind and she thinks she is all that... Well me and my friend tell on her and its like her aunt(The teachr) in her head is saying No...NOt her!She woulnd't do that! so guess what?We don't do anything and WE get in you want to end up like me?No...So!Do what you have to do!

Why can't you make a happy thread for once? :\


Pleaaaassseee stop using NTT as your LiveJournal.

Since I am to lazy I will copy/paste from my bloggy.
I was in Kickball awaiting to get it over with (The team thing, gug) When I looked around the area. Megan (Jerk who I dont like anymore, 1 of 2 girls ><) startes yelling at me to turn around, when I dont I ask her "Why should I? Im allowed to look around!" (I dont remember what I said) She starts yelling in my face about how Im a retard, how I like this boy named Jason (We are in the friend category, I dont like him like that, We get along some of the way) And accidently spits, I ask her to please not spit in my face- And you guessed it! She spit in my face ON PURPOSE, I pushed her and she hit me. I told the Coach, he aint do nothin but seperate us. I was going to tell the Dean, but I was in the Nurse's office half the day (I hurt my ankle, I fell and my foot twisted, leading to a bad Ankle. I had to hobble, everyone laughed at me, Big whoop) Then my dad picked me up from school.

I know I might get a refferal when I tell the dean, but do you think this is the lest bit fair?

And since she is popular, no one sticks up for me! I hate her! She is in my home room as well!
I have had similar situations, and they're not fun. I don't really tell anyone, only because if I do, then I will get in trouble. I tell my little brother, because we float in the same boat with this.

I'm so sorry that you have to put up with this shallowness.

It can hurt like hell.

What kind of people would'nt stick up for you?

That's right, shallow so-called "friends" who want to look 'cool.'

And it's time you stood up for yourself.

Keep on defending yourself. Someday, they'll get your point.

And it that's too hard to do, tell an adult you trust.

If it doesn't work once, keep on going. It'll eventually get to them that you're in a BAD situation.

Deans and Guidance Councellors are there for you.

I mean, come on, this evil little b*tch can't get away with everything she wants!

Who does she think she is?! :blink:

I am so sorry, and remember that we're on your side. Always.


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Nummy: I'm pretty sure we would like one (no offense Meowbark). But I applaud her going on tamatalk posting her problems because I feel the same way to at times, it shows that she and sometimes us that were not only the outcast at itme. What is NTT?

Meowbark: I don't think she accidentally Spitted in your face, it's not like saliva is going to shoot up in somebody face by accident, and you told her not to, and why do you have to tell her!?. Personally she should of got in trouble not you. Tell your parents or so. Well you could get "Jason" to help you with the situation. But I'm sure **UrItChI** had a good point :blink: . Maybe you should meet up with a Mentor, or guidance counselor with your problems :mellow: .

Nummy: I'm pretty sure we would like one (no offense Meowbark). But I applaud her going on tamatalk posting her problems because I feel the same way to at times, it shows that she and sometimes us that were not only the outcast at itme. What is NTT?
Meowbark: I don't think she accidentally Spitted in your face, it's not like saliva is going to shoot up in somebody face by accident, and you told her not to, and why do you have to tell her!?. Personally she should of got in trouble not you. Tell your parents or so. Well you could get "Jason" to help you with the situation. But I'm sure **UrItChI** had a good point :blink: . Maybe you should meet up with a Mentor, or guidance counselor with your problems :mellow: .
NTT is NonTamaTalk.

Yeah, posting once in a while is okay, but she's up to posting a couple times a week.

And it seems more like "Give me sympathy" threads than actual problem threads.

Tell the dean, spitting on someone shows disrespect towards you and she could get in real trouble. But pushing her isn't the solution, violence is never the solution. Talk with a counselor to tell him/her your troubles you are having and she/he might have a solution to take care of them. I hope you have a speedy recovery and is up on your feet in no time.

P.S. I don't know why people think someone getting hurt is funny, they're just immature oh and just ignore that ignorant girl.

Why can't you make a happy thread for once? :\ 

Pleaaaassseee stop using NTT as your LiveJournal.
I have no Livejournal... I have a Blogagotchi witch people cuss me out on

I dont think I would get Jason envolved. She accidently spat in my face, she yells ALOT at me for looking at her. Worst yet, she is in my group >< Oh well. I dont care if I get a refferal, I want a Homeroom change! No one likes me, but if I got one I would be stuck with a nerdy stalker ><

The dean is fed up with me getting in trouble, when I try to report someone she gets kinda mad at me since I have got into alot of trouble. The Guidance councler might help...

Just ignore her, Meowbark.

It sounds like you're being bullied big time.

If she talks to you just don't talk back.

Don't start more flames.

Fire+fire= A bigger fire.

I have no Livejournal... I have a Blogagotchi witch people cuss me out on
I dont think I would get Jason envolved. She accidently spat in my face, she yells ALOT at me for looking at her. Worst yet, she is in my group >< Oh well. I dont care if I get a refferal, I want a Homeroom change! No one likes me, but if I got one I would be stuck with a nerdy stalker ><

The dean is fed up with me getting in trouble, when I try to report someone she gets kinda mad at me since I have got into alot of trouble. The Guidance councler might help...
Yeah, I saw that comment on your newest post on your blog. :\ It was pretty rude.

You should make a new Blogotchi and keep the link to yourself and people you trust.

Leaving a link on your TamaTalk profile isn't a good idea if people are harassing you on the other site who are from TT.

That person seems "pathetic" tracing and stalking you down, and trying to get revenge on you for pointless reasons, and trying to fight over the internet.

Yeah, I saw that comment on your newest post on your blog. :\ It was pretty rude. You should make a new Blogotchi and keep the link to yourself and people you trust.

Leaving a link on your TamaTalk profile isn't a good idea if people are harassing you on the other site who are from TT.
I put it on Members only, hah. I have tried to stop making topics like this but this is actually a help topic...

Meowbark: Just go trace their IP address, and block them, and then you will be settled :mellow: . I hope it doesn't change a lot. :blink:

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Yeah, I saw that comment on your newest post on your blog. :\ It was pretty rude. You should make a new Blogotchi and keep the link to yourself and people you trust.

Leaving a link on your TamaTalk profile isn't a good idea if people are harassing you on the other site who are from TT.
You can always do what I do and get a freewebs account and make your own website. Forget LJ and myspace lol. I do blogs on my homepage and rest is creative material of mine. Nummy makes a good point in only showing off your site to people you care about OR you can always just not include a guestbook or stuff like that where people can leave comments unless you have powers to take them out. I also agree that she's allowed to vent her troubles here...although yeah I haven't seen a positive topic in ages from miss meow :angry:

Anyway spitting...I'm surprised your school isn't as strict. Spitting was a huge offense at my elementary school. It's a form of physical harassment and humiliation, as well as a major insult. I hate to say it but I was a stupid kid once and did it at some girl giving me trouble. I honestly regret that...not because of being caught mind you, but it is a very gross form of harassment. Sorry your coach didn't do anything about it.


And seeing your posts, you aren't telling the full story.

* off topic for a moment *

[SIZE=10pt]If you have some sympathetic advice for meowbark, please feel free to post it here.[/SIZE]

If you have some unsympathetic advice for meowbark, by all means post it here too...

but I am asking all members to remember TamaTalks site rules on behaviour - whatever advice you post, keep your replies polite and respectful - or don't bother to post anything. If anyone wants to flame, please go do it on another site :furawatchi:

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