This Is Getting Very Annoying!


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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
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Okay so nobody in my house knocks on my stinking door! It gets very annoying I meen I never just come into their rooms without knocking. But they never knock. And now my dad keeps barging into my room now which makes me very mad because sometimes I am reading and it is very calm and quiet and he barges in and that makes me scream. I was reading this scary story and he barged into my room which made me scream extremely loud. It gets so annoying! I put this sign on my door that says please knock first and it seems like they just ignore it.

I dont want to do that because if it is locked then my mom thinks I am hiding something and she has to ask me all these questions and I cant really answer them because when she is asking me questions about what I am doing on the computer all I hear is blah blah blah.

Well I dont like screaming at people when I said screaming I meant they scare me half to death thats why I scream. But I think I will change the sign but not exactley to that.

I don't know what you could do. My mom doesn't like it when I lock my door either, but it's not because she thinks I'm hiding something, she's just annoying and wants to be able to come in whenever she wants.

What REALLY annoys me though is that my STEP-father knocks once on the door and he doesn't wait for you to say "Come in", he just opens the door literally a half a second later. What's the point of knocking if you don't wait for them to say "Come in"? I mean, what if I'm changing or something when he barges in? He usually does it in the morning or the night. Once I had JUST finished putting my shirt on when he came in. It's really awful because it's not like he's even related to me or anything. He's just some man walking into my room whenever he wants.

When my little sisters come in without knocking I yell at them and say "DID YOU LEARN WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU BARGE IN SOMEONE'S ROOM IN PRESCHOOL?!?!?!"

Edit: Im nice to them mostly unless they do something rude to me so please don't think I'm a bad big sister.

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i have a lock but mums says i can only use when i really need to. i have just moved in to my new room & half my stuff is in my sisters room so she gets angry when i go it there so now as payback she is coming in sometimes without knocing or sometimes coming when i say go away! i am eldest so it is super bad, especially as the tv is in the playroom which is attached to heer room by some extremly old renovations

I totally understand what you're going through. I live in a house with two step brothers, a step dad, a brother and my mom. But yelling and getting upset wont get you any where. Try talking to them and explain why you want your privacy. Talk to your mom about the lock on your door. Maybe you could set up a certain time to lock your door without being interrupted, like when you read. Just remember people aren't perfect and they're going to forget. ;)

I know the feeling, say you had your friends and were talking in private then, "HI! I'M YOUR MOTHER HERE TO SAY HI!" At least, that's my experience, but, I have beads instead of a door, yes i know, but my mum thinks it's 'cute'. I just walk away into another room, then not talk for 30mins-1hour.

My room separates the kitchen from the rest of the house. So yeah, I get random people walking/jumping/crawling through it every five minutes. People usually leave unwashed clothes, bedsheets or photo albums on my floor too.

I ignore them and tell them to shut the door when they go out :]

i hate wen that happends i was waching tv and my mom snuk up in me annd skared the **** out of me!

I totally understand what you're going through. I live in a house with two step brothers, a step dad, a brother and my mom. But yelling and getting upset wont get you any where. Try talking to them and explain why you want your privacy. Talk to your mom about the lock on your door. Maybe you could set up a certain time to lock your door without being interrupted, like when you read. Just remember people aren't perfect and they're going to forget. :(
I dont yell at them when I said screaming i meant they scare me half to death I dont like yelling at people.

I close my door, and my sister barges in and yells "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Really loud.

When I do close and/or lock my door, my family comes to the door to ask what I am doing.. xD its like they don't trust me!

Haha, well I do deal with it.

What to do, is talk to your family! Tell them that there is a sign on the door, and it would be nice if they respected it.

Tell them everything you told us! ;)

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