this is a riddle contest!


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Julie could just open the freezer!! or put a tray of ice cubes upsidedown in the freezer and when she comes back she could look at the cubes (if they melted, they wouldn't be there and if they froze again, it would be a mess of ice)!

A person was found dead in a room with 1 door that was the only way in or out of the room. they were hung on a rod that was across the room and it was too high to have just been standing there and hang yourself. under them there was a puddle. how did he get there?

The man was standing on a block of ice. The ice melted before anyone came.

I have one!

A man has committed a crime. He goes to court. The judge says "There are two different marbles in this bag. One is white, and one is black. If he chooses the white one, he shall live. If he chooses the black one, he shall die. I will hold up the one he did not choose," showing everyone the bag. The judge lied and put two black ones in the bag instead of one white and one black. The man who committed the crime had seen before the prosecution had started that this had happened. How can the man save his life if either way he would choose a black marble? The rest of the courtroom did not know about the judge doing this.

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Here's one: You are the bus driver. At the first stop, 15 people get on the bus. Now there are 47 people on the bus. At the next stop, 6 people get on and 13 people get off. At the next stop, 17 people get off and 8 people get on. At the next stop, 4 people get off to get a coffee, then come back on the bus again along with 7 other people. At the last stop, 18 people get on an 9 people get off. Now....what color was the bus drivers eyes?



I have one!
A man has committed a crime. He goes to court. The judge says "There are two different marbles in this bag. One is white, and one is black. If he chooses the white one, he shall live. If he chooses the black one, he shall die. I will hold up the one he did not choose," showing everyone the bag. The judge lied and put two black ones in the bag instead of one white and one black. The man who committed the crime had seen before the prosecution had started that this had happened. How can the man save his life if either way he would choose a black marble? The rest of the courtroom did not know about the judge doing this.
Umm......the judge said he'd hold up teh other marble, the one the man did not pick. Since the man would have to pick black, then the marble the judge would have to hold up must also be black; showing the courtoom it was a trick. This could save his life. x] Probably not.


Umm......the judge said he'd hold up teh other marble, the one the man did not pick. Since the man would have to pick black, then the marble the judge would have to hold up must also be black; showing the courtoom it was a trick. This could save his life. x] Probably not.
Nope, good try!

And the bus driver's eye color is whatever color eyes you have, since you are the bus driver ^_^

the criminal can take both marbles and show them to the court, saving his life!
Nope, but that's a good one! Do you want me to tell you the answer, or do you just want to keep guessing?


Nope, but that's a good one! Do you want me to tell you the answer, or do you just want to keep guessing?
he could bring a white marble himslef and pull that out of his sleve, thus, living and the judge would not want to prove that he was lying


I have one.
A plane crashes in the border of the U.S. and Canada. Where do you bury the survivors?
You don't bury survivors! :]

And to furawatchi girl: nope! This is a tricky one..

You don't bury survivors! :]
And to furawatchi girl: nope! This is a tricky one..
Gah! Just tell us x]

Here's one:

If a man goes to the pet shop and buys a dog and names her Sherly if the man never fed him then how did he surive? PS: No one else could feed him


Alright, should I tell the answer or not? Someone say yes or no! x] The suspense is killing me!


Edit: furawatchi girl: nonono!! That one is REALLY close!

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Alright, should I tell the answer or not? Someone say yes or no! x] The suspense is killing me!

Edit: furawatchi girl: nonono!! That one is REALLY close!
YES! Tell us! XP


Okay, this is very specific, but don't blame me -- Blame Mensa! :ichigotchi:

The criminal will swallow the marble. When the judge holds the other marble up, the rest of the courtroom will assume that the other marble was white, letting the criminal live.

That was a tough one! I had to look at the answer when I first read it :ichigotchi:

I have another tough one, but someone else say a riddle first. I don't want to be hogging the spotlight :D


here is one...

This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What is it?

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A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?


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OK i have one:

I girl was kidnapped in the night. she was held hostage in a cement room with no doors but with a tinie-tiny window that was no bigger then a pencil in length and size. how does she get out?

this is not very hard but it is not what you think! :D


and tamakitty710 please tell the other one!!!

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