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Hawkpool sent me a PM that said "i don't care what you say :( "

I told him to SHUT UP and ThunderClan is the better clan so I dunno.

Edit: Mametchi 4ever you rock you're great at standing up to people.

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ok iv been on this site for like 5 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLZ STOP FIGHTING!!!!!AND HAWK POOL IS MY COUSEN AND SHE STOLE MY E-MAIL -.-

Obviously this member is just being plain STUPID, so what you should do is ignore them. When they can see they are bothering you, they'll continue doing the annoying thing, if you ignore, usually they stop.

Guys, you are all being a little rude. Can we stop and be nice, please? No clan is better, no one is looking for attention we are all just being a bit rude and earing ourselves some bad karma.

Crowfrost, the whole deal was over, no one was fighting anymore, and now you just brought it back up. I hate it when people go waaay off topic, including myself right now.

Anyway, for Christmas I got my second Webkinz, and my friends got like a million.

I was hoping for a Webkinz for Christmas but I didn't get one :mellow:

I started a trend too, but it was with Tamagotchis when I moved states...then the teachers banned them, then un-banned them, it was weird... <_< :angry:

Oooh, I got Siamese Cat webkinz, and I love Siamese! Wait. I made a mistake. ALL cats rock! <_<

(I'm sorry if you don't like cats) :rolleyes:

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